Processed commodity |
Number of valid studies( a ) |
Processing Factor (PF) | CFP ( b ) |
Comment/ Source |
Individual values | Median PF | ||||
No new processing studies were submitted for this application and deem not necessary considering the low consumer exposure (see Appendix B.3). | |||||
Grape, Juice | 4 | 0.13; 0.14; 0.18; 0.22 | 0.16 | 1 |
EFSA (2016) Extrapolated to blueberries, juice possible |
Additional processing studies are available (EFSA, 2016, 2019b, 2020) |
Studies with residues in the RAC at or close to the LOQ were disregarded (unless concentration may occur).
Conversion factor for risk assessment in the processed commodity; median of the individual conversion factors for each processing residues trial.