Figure 14.
1H resolution as a function of degree of sample or structural inhomogeneity (Δinhom). Total effective linewidth, Δtot (solid curves), is simulated for a range of MAS frequencies using eq 11, assuming the inhomogeneous contribution of 0.2, 0.15, 0.10, and 0.05 ppm (black, red, green, and blue solid and dashed curves, respectively), and the homogeneous contribution as determined experimentally for νr = 40–111 kHz for a representative amide 1H of residue T11 in nondeuterated GB1 on 23.5 T (a) and 11.75 T (b) spectrometers. The x-axis is linear with rotor period. Note that despite a generally lower absolute linewidth (in Hz) on a 500 MHz 1H spectrometer (b) for νr > 60 kHz, the actual resolution in ppm (second vertical axes) is inferior compared to that of a 23.5 T spectrometer (a).