Figure 23.
Efficiency of an out-and-back scalar-coupling-based transfer between 1H and 15N (1JNH = 93 Hz) as a function of 1H refocused coherence lifetime T″2 (neglecting efficiency loss of refocusing the antiphase to in-phase 15N coherences). Red, light blue, and blue circles correspond to 1HN bulk coherence lifetimes reported, respectively, for deuterated, inverse fractionally deuterated,101 and nondeuterated proteins. Labels denote the proteins, for which coherence lifetimes were reported in the following literature: UBQ, microcrystalline ubiquitin;50,142 GB1, microcrystalline β1 Immunoglobulin Binding Domain of Protein G;90,111 SH3, microcrystalline chicken α-spectrin Src-homology 3;86 SOD, microcrystalline superoxide dismutase;112 SSB, gel-like precipitate of the tetrameric single-stranded DNA-binding protein;120 AP205 sedimented, Acinetobacter phage 205 coat protein;90,111 β2mD76N, β2 microglobulin fibrils.68 The MAS frequency is indicated for each case.