employed to recouple 1H–1H dipolar interactions
at the first (a,b) and second order of AHT
(c,d). (a) Finite-pulse RFDR with xy8 phase cycling, a versatile scheme
applied for a variety of conditions for broadband 1H–1H mixing, also in fully protonated samples. (b) DREAM mixing
for selective recoupling within amide or methyl protons. (c,d) Sequences
designed to enhance 1H spin-diffusion through (c) 1H spin-lock field (rotating-frame spin-diffusion) or (d) optimized
RF irradiation of the X-nucleus (e.g., 15N), which affects
(broadens) the ZQ linewidth of a coupled (bonded) proton. All schemes
except AM-MIRROR use only 1H RF irradiation. The spin operator
(either polarization 1Hz or
transverse magnetization 1Hxy) at the start of the mixing period is indicated.