(a) Negative-stain electron microscopy images of heterogeneous
paired helical filaments of protein Tau63 and (b) their assigned 1H,15N CP-HSQC spectrum
showing significant inhomogeneous line broadening. (c,d) Pictorial
interpretation of how the NMR shifts from invariant and variable residues
may originate in the fibril building block: (c) secondary structure
(β-strand or loop/kink, as derived from 13C secondary
chemical shifts) is comparable among different batches of samples;
however, 15N chemical shifts of many regions (“non-blue”)
vary between different fibrils; (d) variability of the local chemical
environment, including H-bond architecture, including shearing (top),
twisting (middle), and bending of β-sheets (bottom). Reprinted
from ref (63). Copyright
2017 American Chemical Society.