of site-specific proximity to mobile small molecules,
water, lipids, and cholesterol. (a) Water-exposed residues in KcsA
are highlighted based on a (H)NH spectrum after the sample is washed
in acidic buffer. Proximity to water was recorded in the same study
via H(H)N and H(H)CC spectra. Reprinted from ref (374). Copyright 2014 American
Chemical Society. (b) Selected strips from a 4D H(H)(N)CANH spectrum
highlighting cross-peaks to water and lipid moieties. Reprinted with
permission from ref (375). Copyright 2019 John Wiley & Sons. Panel (c) shows cholesterol
docked to the structure of VDAC, in agreement with the measured proximity
to nearby residues as determined by transfer from the protons of cholesterol
in a H(H)NH spectrum. Adjacent hydrophobic side-chains that form grooves
on the outside of the protein are labeled. Reprinted with permission
from ref (376). Copyright
2021 Springer Nature. (d) Sites of water exposure are mapped onto
the structure of GLPG, based on a H(H)NH spectrum, shown in red. Reproduced
from ref (230). Copyright
2019 American Chemical Society.