gains by detecting on 1H with respect to
heteronuclei (X being 15N or 13C). Virtual RF
irradiation schemes for measuring 2D 1H–X correlations
with (a) heteronuclei detection and (b) proton detection. Excitation
pulses are depicted as black rectangles; indirect chemical shift encoding
is performed during the t1 evolution time,
and transfer sequences are shown as orange blocks. (c) Sensitivity
gain factors ξ are calculated with eq 12 with linewidths (W) measured
on a fully protonated microcrystalline GB1 sample: WH = 220, 156, 120, 102, 95 Hz (at 40, 60, 80, 100, 111
kHz MAS, respectively), WC = 105 Hz, and WN = 55 Hz. Both WC and WN are supposed to be constant over
the 20–111 kHz MAS frequency range.