No. (%) | |
Found, Social Security number | 154 000 (77.54) |
Found in geographic search | 24 500 (12.34) |
Found in name search | 8 100 (4.08) |
Found in date-of-birth search | 100 (0.05) |
Not found | 11 900 (5.99) |
Total | 198 600 (100.00) |
Note. The US Census Bureau reviewed this data product for unauthorized disclosure of confidential information and approved the disclosure avoidance practices applied to this release, CBDRB-FY21-POP001-0087. All numbers are rounded according to US Census Bureau disclosure protocols. The discrepancy between the total of 198 600 shown in the table and the references to 199 000 in the text reflects rounding error.
Source. American Community Survey data (2001–2017) and EHRs obtained from a health care system in the southeastern United States.