Fig. 6.
Regulation of MIR22HG and MDC1 by AP4 is conserved in mice. A Differential expression of Mir22hg in Ap4-deficient intestinal organoids. B+D ChIP-Seq enrichment profiles for Ap4-associated chromatin were generated with the UCSC genome browser. The data was obtained from GSM2132681. The structures of the B Mir22hg and the D Mdc1genes are shown below the ChIP-Seq tracks. C Differential expression of Mdc1 in Ap4-deficient intestinal organoids. E qPCR analysis of adenomas from three 120 days old ApcMin/+ mice (five adenomas per mouse) per genotype. F Left panel: Immunohistochemical detection of Mdc1 in adenomas of 120 days old ApcMin/+ mice with the indicated genotype. Counterstaining with hematoxylin. Scale bar = 100 μm. Right panel: Quantification of Mdc1 relative intensity and Mdc1-positive cells in percent (%) in adenomas from 120 days old ApcMin/+ mice in a total of 10 adenomas per genotype. G Left panel: Immunohistochemical detection of γH2AX in adenomas of 120 days old ApcMin/+ mice with the indicated genotype. Right panel: Quantification of γH2AX-positive cells in percent (%) in adenomas from 120 days old ApcMin/+, Ap4fl/fl and ApcMin/+, Ap4∆IEC mice in a total of 14 or 13 adenomas, respectively. H Left panel: Immunohistochemical detection of p16 in adenomas of 120 days old ApcMin/+ mice with the indicated genotype. Right panel: Quantification of p16-positive cells in percent (%) in adenomas from 120 days old ApcMin/+Ap4fl/fl and ApcMin/+, Ap4∆IEC mice in 26 or 22 adenomas, respectively. In panels F-H scale bars represent 100 μm. *:p < 0.05, **:p < 0.01, ***:p < 0.001