Figure 9.
Occurrence of spike-and-wave discharges (SWDs) over the 24-h sleep–awake cycle: (A) A hypnogram in a sham-operated experimental control rat (#39). (B) An SWD and associated power spectrum in a sham-operated rat (#39). SWDs are indicated by light-green bars below the hypnogram (panel (A)). Note their occurrence only during awake periods. Moreover, note the harmonics in the power spectrum. (C) An N3 sleep spindle in a sham-operated rat (#39), and corresponding power spectrum. Occurrence of sleep spindles is indicated by purple bars below the hypnogram in panel (A). Note the single frequency band in the power spectrum. Abbreviations: Ch, electroencephalogram recording channel (see Figure 3B); N2, N2 sleep stage; N3, N3 sleep stage; REM, rapid eye movement sleep; W, awake.