Type II diabetes.
Coagulation disorders or taking anticoagulants.
Pregnancy or lactation.
Allergic to a steroid drug or hyaluronic acid.
Large (more than 10 mL of aspirated synovial fluid) effusion in the knee joint or abnormal synovial fluid appearance.
A history of purulent inflammation of the knee.
Rheumatic diseases and systemic diseases of connective tissue.
Active neoplastic disease.
The patient is undergoing oral steroid therapy, antibiotic therapy or biological treatment.
The patient received an intra-articular injection into the examined joint in less than a year before the screening visit.
The patient had previous operations, fractures, ligaments or meniscus injuries in the area of the examined lower limb.
The patient has a Baker’s cyst.
The patient is addicted to nicotine, alcohol, or drugs.
The patient had an injury to the examined knee joint within one month of the screening visit.
The patient has a significant deformation of the examined knee joint.
There is a valgus or varus greater than 10° in any of the knees.
The range of motion of the knee joint is less than 100°.
Major axial deviation (varus > 5, valgus > 5).
Any concomitant symptomatic knee disorder (i.e., ligamentous or meniscal injury).
Hematologic disease.
Active infection.
Recent intra-articular injection of corticosteroid or HA in past 6 months.