GSK’547 does not alter plaque size and composition in ApoE−/− Fbn1C1039G+/− mice but increases apoptosis. ApoE−/− Fbn1C1039G+/− mice were fed a WD supplemented with GSK’547 (10 mg/kg BW/day) for 20 weeks. Sections of the brachiocephalic artery were stained with (A) hematoxylin/eosin to measure plaque size, necrotic core (# hash signs), and vessel properties, (B) anti-Mac3 to determine macrophage content, (C) anti-α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA) to determine vascular smooth muscle cell content, (D) Alcian blue to quantify glycosaminoglycans, (E) Sirius red to quantify total collagen, and (F) TUNEL to count apoptotic cells. * p < 0.05 (independent samples t-test, n = 8–12 mice per group). Scale bar = 100 µm. Representative images are shown.