Figure 6.
Xenopus oocytes injected with membranes from idNs incorporated functional neurotransmitter receptors. (A) Sample currents evoked by 500 μM GABA or (B) 20 μM AMPA on oocytes microinjected with membranes extracted from cultured idNs obtained from a patient carrying the M145T mutation of the SCN1A gene. (A) GABA currents were completely inhibited by a brief pre-incubation (30 s) with bicuculline (100 μM) and subsequently recovered following the washout of the inhibitor. (B) AMPA currents were completely inhibited by co-administration of NBQX (50 μM), and they recovered to the original amplitude once NBQX administration was interrupted. AMPA currents were recorded in presence of CTZ (20 μM). Black bars = GABA; gray bars = AMPA; white bars in (A) bicuculline; in (B) NBQX. (C) Time course of the GABA current rundown evoked by six consecutive GABA applications (500 μM, 10 s) interspaced by a 40 s washout, in oocytes injected with membranes from control (black dots; ●) and M145T idNs (magenta; ●; p > 0.05). The dots represent GABA currents expressed as a percentage of the first evoked response (● = 16.6 ± 1.0 nA, n = 8; ● = 23.7 ± 1.1 nA, n = 10).