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. 2022 May 13;11(10):1633. doi: 10.3390/cells11101633

Table 1.

Primary literature using sc-RNAseq or sn-RNAseq to assessing adult neurogenesis in the SVZ.

Author (Year) Species Age Sex Models Method Platform Analysis Number of Cells
Llorens-Bobadilla et al. (2015) [4] Mouse 8–12 wk M C57BL/6 mice SVZ wholemount digested with trypsin, whole cells sorted and frozen Smart-seq2 FactoMineR, Monocle, likelihood-ratio <100–1000
Dulken et al. (2017) [5] Mouse 3 mo M GFAPGFP reporter mice,
datasets Llorens-Bobadilla et al. (2015) & Shin et al. (2015)
SVZ microdissected, digested with papain, whole cells sorted and processed live Fluidigm C1 GBM modeling, Monocle, SCDE, GSEA 329
Basak et al. (2018) [6] Mouse 2 d–1 yr F TroyGFPiresCreER and
Ki67RFP reporter mice
SVZ wholemount enzymatically digested, whole cells sorted and processed live CEL-seq RaceID2, Descan, Pseudotime in TSCAN 1465
Shi et al. (2017) [7] Mouse 1, 24 mo F + M C57BL/6 mice,
dataset Llorens-Bobadilla et al. (2015)
SVZ microdissected, digested with papain, cultured as neurospheres, whole cells sorted and frozen Smart-Seq2 t-SNE, WGCNA, DESeq2, GO 22
Zywitza et al. (2018) [8] Mouse 2–4 mo M, F, F + M C57BL/6N mice
Lrp2 KO mice, dataset Artegiani et al. (2017)
SVZ microdissected digested with papain, whole cells processed live
or methanol-fixed
Drop-seq Seurat, SNN-cliq, Velocyto 9804
Shah et al. (2018) [9] Mouse 2–6 mo F + M aSMA::CreERT2;
R26tdTomato/Sox2GFP mice
SVZ microdissected, digested with papain, whole cells sorted and
processed live
10× Genomics Seurat, SCDE 1200, 6000
Kalamakis et al. (2019) [10] Mouse 2, 22, 23 mo M C57BL/6J mice and dataset from Llorens-Bobadilla et al. (2015) SVZ wholemount digested with trypsin, whole cells sorted and frozen Smart-Seq2 Seurat, Monocle, clusterProfile, DESeq2 >2000
Mizrak et al. (2019) [11] Mouse 8–10 wk M, F hGFAP::CreERT;R26tdTomato mice and datasets from Llorens-Bobadilla et al. (2015), Dulken et al. (2017) Lateral and septal SVZ wholemounts digested with papain, whole cells processed live Drop-seq Phenograph, GSEA, SCDE 41,000
Dulken et al. (2019) [12] Mouse 3, 28–29 mo M C57BL/6NIA mice SVZ microdissected, digested with papain, whole cells sorted and processed live 10× Genomics Seurat, Enrichr 14,685
Mizrak et al. (2020) [13] Mouse 8–10 wk M hGFAP::CreERT;R26tdTomato mice ratNes::FLPOER;R26TdTomato mice Lateral and septal SVZ wholemounts digested with papain, whole cells processed live Drop-seq Phenograph, SCDE 56,000
Magnusson et al. (2020) [14] Mouse >2 mo M, F Cx3::CreER;Rbpjfl/fl;R26tdTomato/YFP mice, AAV-Cre injection into Rbpjfl/fl;R26tdTomato mice,
datasets from Zywitza et al. (2018), and Hochgerner et al. (2018)
Microdissected striatum digested with papain, whole cells sorted and frozen Smart-Seq2, 10× Genomics Seurat, Monocle 1393
Borrett et al. (2020) [15] Mouse E–2 mo F + M Emx1::Cre;R26EYFP mice
Nkx2.1::Cre;R26EYFP mice
Dorsal and lateral SVZ microdissected, digested enzymatically, whole cells sorted and processed live 10× Genomics Seurat >6000
Nam and Capecchi (2020) [16] Mizrak et al. (2020) dataset Seurat
Xie et al. (2020) [17] Mouse 2 wo–15 mo F + M CGDGFP reporter mice, datasets from Dulken et al. (2017), Llorens-Bobadilla et al. (2015), Codega et al. (2014) Wholemount SVZ digested with papain, whole cells sorted and processed live Drop-seq Seurat, Pseudotime, TFactS, String 5600
Chen et al. (2021) [18] Mouse 8–10 wo M C57BL/6J mice Microdissected SVZ frozen, homogenized, and nuclei processed after sucrose gradient centrifugation 10× Genomics Seurat, GO, CellPhoneDB, Monocle 15,754
Cebrian-Silla et al. (2021) [19] Mouse 4–5 wo M, F hGFAPGFP reporter mice Microdissected SVZ digested with papain, whole cells multiplexed, processed live 10× Genomics Seurat, scVelo, GO 30,897
CD1-elite mice Anterior/posterior-dorsal/ventral SVZ microdissected SVZ frozen, homogenized, and nuclei processed after sucrose gradient centrifugation 45,820
Borrett et al. (2022) [20] Datasets from Hochgerner et al. (2018), Borrett et al. (2020) Seurat, Monocle, GSEA

Abbreviations: F = female M = male, F + M = female and male samples pooled; nr= sex not reported; E = embryonic; d = days; w = weeks, mo = months; yr = years.