Perceived Organizational Support (POS) |
N.A |
The organization shows very little concern for me
The organization cares about my general satisfaction at work
The organization really cares about my well-being
The organization strongly considers my goals and values
The organization cares about my opinions
Even if I did the best job possible, the organization would fail to notice
The organization takes pride in my accomplishments at work
The organization is willing to extend itself in order to help me perform my job to the best of my ability
Help is available from my organization when I have a problem
Wayne, Shore, and Liden [23] |
Psychological Ownership (PO) |
Self-efficacy |
I am confident in my ability to contribute to my organization’s success
I am confident I can make a positive difference in this organization
I am confident in setting high performance goals in my community
Avey, Avolio, Crossley, and Luthans [39] |
Accountability |
I would challenge anyone in my organization if I thought something was done wrong
I would not hesitate to tell my organization if I saw something that was done wrong
I would challenge the direction of my community to assure it is correct
Sense of Belonging |
I feel I belong in this organization
I am totally comfortable being in this organization
This place is home for me
Self-identity |
I feel this organization’s success is my success
I feel being a member in this organization helps define who I am
I feel the need to defend my community when it is criticized
Turnover Intention (TI) |
N.A |
I will look for other job opportunities
I cannot stand the working atmosphere here anymore
If there is a suitable job opportunity, I will accept it
I often want to quit my present job
Mobley, Horner, and Hollingsworth [54] |
Demographic Variables |
N.A |
Work Experience
Firm Information |
N.A |
Business Type Industry |