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. 2022 May 21;12(5):1278. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12051278

Table 1.

Single-frame algorithms for anatomical landmark detection.

Authors Data Annotation Protocol Dataset Classes Algorithm Pre-Processing Validation Average Performance AI Impact (Clinical Setting)
Takiyama et al., 2018 [39] Undefined (Private Dataset) 44,416 UGIE images (optimal view WLI) 4 sites + 3 gastric sites GoogleLeNet Black frame cropping Holdout set (4 anatomical classes)
Sensitivity: 94% (from 87% to 99%)
96% (from 96% to 97%)

(3 gastric sub-classes)
97% (from 96% to 97%)
98% (from 98% to 99%)
Wu et al., 2019 [40] 2 experts with >10 years of experience (Private Dataset)
24,549 WLI images
10 or 26 sites VGG16-Resnet50 CNN filters blurry frames Holdout set Accuracy:
90% (10 sites)
66% (26 sites)
(Single-center, retrospective trial) [40] ****
Endoscopist accuracy:
90% (10 sites, experts)
63% (26 sites, experts)
87% (10 sites, seniors)
59% (26 sites, seniors)
83% (10 sites, novices)
46% (26 sites, novices)
Zhang Xu et al., 2019 [41] 2 expert endoscopists (years of experience unknown) (Private Dataset)
75,275 UGIE images (including non-informative and NBI frames) *
10 sites + uninformative + NBI Muli-Task Custom CNN + SSD None Holdout set Average precision (mAP):
He et al., 2019 ** [42] 1 doctoral student
1 clinical gastroenterology research fellow
3704 UGIE images (WLI+LCI frames) optimal views 11 sites + N/A Inception-v3 Data-driven ROI cropping 5-fold C.V. Accuracy:
F1: 80% (from 53% to 94%)
Igarashi et al., 2020 [43] 1 expert with >30 years of experience
1 endoscopists with >4 years of experience
(Private Dataset)
85,246 upper GI images
10 sites from UGIE + 4 classes pertaining to specimens and other examinations AlexNet None Holdout set Accuracy:
Sun et al., 2021 *** [44] >1 endoscopist with >5 years of experience (Private Dataset)
10,474 UGIE images including NBI
11 sites + NBI Custom CNN+RCF ROI extraction + bilinear interpolation 5-fold C.V. Accuracy:
Precision: 93%
F1 score: 92%
Chang et al., 2021 [27] Unclear (Private Dataset)
15,723 frames from asymptomatic patients
8 classes ResNeSt None Holdout set Accuracy:

* Addressed in different classification tasks. ** We only consider the protocol with all the landmarks and N/A classes in this article. *** We considered only the values for the first ResNeSt, since the ampulla was divided into two categories and trained with a second model and different dataset. **** Only findings concerning blind spots were considered.