Radiation survival curve of CaSki and C33A cells performed on cells in log phase growth to evaluate the radiosensitivity. Wild-type (WT) cells were transfected with Scrambled NC (100 nM) or miR-29a antisense (also termed miR-29a AS; 100 nM), whereas the radioresistant (RR) cells were transfected with Scrambled NC (100 nM) or Pre miR-29a precursor (also termed Pre miR-29a; 100 nM), respectively. Cells were plated, irradiated, and assayed for clonogenic survival at the designated dosages. All of the clonogenic assays were repeated at least three times, as described in Section 4.5. The survival curve showed the reduced radiosensitivity of the stable radioresistant clones of (A) CaSki and (B) C33A cells to irradiation compared to their parental wild-type cells. RR-cells transfected with Pre miR-29a reduced the surviving fraction (elevated radiosensitivity), while WT-cells transfected with miR-29a AS enhanced the surviving fraction (decreased radiosensitivity). Shown are mean values, and error bars show the standard deviation (SD). Solid and dotted curves represent WT and RR cells, respectively. Filled circles, WT-Scrambled NC; open circles, RR-Scrambled NC. Filled squares, WT-miR-29a AS; open squares, RR- Pre miR-29a. Each experiment was performed in triplicate and the results were similar.