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. 2022 May 10;19(10):5800. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19105800

Table 2.

Baseline characteristics of candidate predictor variables by fGTOL, the glucose tolerance status after 4 years (2012).

(N = 1159)
(N = 907)
(N = 183)
(N = 69)
Post Hoc
Variable Mean ± SD or N (%)
Age 59.74 ± 8.34 59.0 ± 8.32 62.54 ± 7.98 61.6 ± 8.43 <0.001 a,b
Sex <0.001
Male 499 (43.1%) 401 (55.8%) 58 (31.7%) 40 (58.0%)
Female 660 (56.9%) 506 (44.2%) 125 (68.3%) 29 (42.0%)
BMI 24.13 ± 3.13 23.90 ± 3.05 25.08 ± 3.30 24.58 ± 3.19 <0.001 a
Waist 87.57 ± 8.50 86.80 ± 8.35 90.08 ± 8.26 91.09 ± 8.92 <0.001 a,b
sysBP 119.77 ± 15.74 118.34 ± 15.13 123.90 ± 16.20 127.72 ± 18.04 <0.001 a,b
HbA1c 5.50 ± 0.39 5.44 ± 0.36 5.62 ± 0.41 5.89 ± 0.42 <0.001 a,b,c
HOMA-β 112.86 ± 67.21 113.88 ± 69.07 116.88 ± 62.10 88.77 ± 49.00 0.007 b,c
HOMA-IR 2.12 ± 1.30 2.03 ± 1.27 2.50 ± 1.48 2.20 ± 0.95 <0.001 a
TCHL 191.75 ± 32.91 190.65 ± 31.97 195.57 ± 34.79 195.99 ± 38.91 0.099
HDL 46.10 ± 10.68 46.72 ± 10.74 44.38 ± 10.61 42.39 ± 8.73 <0.001 a,b
TG 132.15 ± 80.21 124.82 ± 69.82 150.48 ± 90.67 179.80 ± 136.70 <0.001 a,b,c
ALT 22.01 ± 15.40 21.27 ± 12.97 23.08 ± 21.10 28.84 ± 23.44 <0.001 b,c
AST 24.64 ± 10.81 24.28 ± 88.99 24.61 ± 10.36 29.38 ± 24.51 <0.001 b,c
hsCRP 1.61 ± 5.08 1.63 ± 5.60 1.44 ± 2.29 3.55 ± 2.71 0.863
DMFMY 0.332
No 1052 (90.8%) 827 (91.2%) 161(88.0%) 64 (92.8%)
Yes 107 (9.2%) 80 (8.8%) 22 (12.0%) 5 (7.2%)
Smoke <0.001
Non- 777 (67.1%) 614 (67.7%) 133 (72.7%) 30 (33.3%)
Ex- 194 (16.7%) 146 (16.1%) 32 (17.5%) 16 (23.2%)
Current 188 (16.2%) 147 (16.2%) 18 (9.8%) 23 (43.5%)
Drink 0.041
Non- 587 (50.6%) 454 (50.0%) 106 (57.9%) 27 (39.1%)
Ex- 61 (5.3%) 45 (5.0%) 9 (4.9%) 7 (10.1%)
Current 511 (44.1%) 408 (45.0%) 68 (37.2%) 35 (50.7%)
Exercise 0.216
No 788 (68.0%) 623 (68.7%) 115 (62.8%) 50 (72.5%)
Yes 371 (32.0%) 284 (31.3%) 68 (37.2%) 19 (27.5%)
cGTOL <0.001
NGT 917 (79.1%) 783 (86.3%) 109 (59.6%) 25 (36.2%)
IGT 242 (20.9%) 124 (13.7%) 74 (40.4%) 44 (63.8%)
AhRL (pM) 2.03 ± 1.24 1.73 ± 1.02 2.96 ± 1.27 3.55 ± 1.42 <0.001 a,b,c
MIS-ATP (%) 91.99 ± 12.06 93.79 ± 11.94 86.53 ± 10.07 82.76 ± 9.66 <0.001 a,b
MIS-ROS (%) 112.31 ± 11.91 111.12 ± 10.69 116.2 ± 14.17 117.46 ± 16.35 <0.001 a,b

cGTOL, glucose tolerance at the time of data collection (current); fGTOL, glucose tolerance after 4 years (future); BMI, body mass index; Waist, waist circumference; sysBP, systolic blood pressure; TCHL, total cholesterol; HDL, high density cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; hsCRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive peptide; DMFMY, DM family history. “Assoc p-value” is the p-value from ANOVA or chi-square test between each row variable and fGTOL. “Post hoc (Tukey)” presents the significant difference (5% level) of each row variable between a pair of classes of fGTOL from Tukey’s post hoc test; ‘a’ between NGT and IGT of fGTOL, ‘b’ between NGT and DM, and ‘c’ between IGT and DM.