The Honghe (HH), Muzhuzhuliang (MZ), and Shatangbeiyuan (BY) specimens are shown in red, while Asian asses, African asses, zebras, and horses are shown in purple, blue, green, and black, respectively. (A) Principal component analysis (PCA) based on genotype likelihoods, including horses and all other extant non-caballine lineages (16,293,825 bp, excluding transitions). Only specimens whose genomes were sequenced at least to 1.0× average depth of coverage are included. (B) Maximum likelihood tree based on six mitochondrial partitions (representing a total of 16,591 bp). Those E. ovodovi sequences that were previously published are shown in red. The tree was rooted using Hippidion saldiasi and Haringtonhippus francisci as outgroups. Node supports were estimated from 1000 bootstrap pseudo-replicates and are displayed only if greater than 50%. The black line indicates the mitochondrial clades A and B. (C) Maximum likelihood tree based on sequences of 19,650 protein-coding genes, considering specimens sequenced at least at a 3.0× average depth of coverage (representing 32,756,854 bp).