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. 2022 May 18;11(10):1338. doi: 10.3390/plants11101338

Table 2.

Mean (minimum–maximum), percentage coefficient variation (CV%), and p values of fruit quality and leaf traits when compared among 19 European and 24 Japanese plum cultivars grown in a cultivar evaluation orchard in Naoussa, Greece. Parameters measured were fruit fresh weight (g), peel and flesh color CIELAB parameters, soluble solid content (SSC, °Brix), titratable acidity (TA, grams citric acid equivalent/100 mL), maturity index (SSC/TA), total phenols (TPs) (mg GAE/100 g FW), total antioxidant capacity using the DPPH and FRAP methods (TACDPPH and TACFRAP, mg AAE/100 g FW) in peel and flesh tissue and serving portion (100 g FW), percentage TPs–peel/TPs–serving (% TPs–p/s), leaf shape (1, ovate; 2, elliptic; 3, obovate), leaf tip shape (1, acute; 2, right-angled; 3, obtuse), shape of base (1, acute; 2, obtuse; 3, truncate), leaf blade length (LBL, cm), leaf blade width (LBW, cm), stalk length (SL, cm) and ratios of LBL/LBW and LBL/SL. Different letters in the line indicate significant differences.

European Japanese
Mean Min–Max CV% Mean Min–Max CV% p
Fruit weight 48.3 b 18.4–101.7 42 84.4 a 28.0–151.0 33 <0.001
L–peel 38.2 22.5–57.4 25 36.1 21.3–59.7 32 0.686
a*–peel 9.8 b −23.7 73 13.5 a −31.2 63 0.009
b*–peel 9.3 −56.6 204 5.3 −46.2 262 0.840
h*–peel 162.0 38.8–319 162 186.6 20.3–337.0 67 0.324
Chroma–peel 21.3 6.7–45.0 57 21.0 9.4–36.2 262 0.221
L–flesh 50.5 b 37.4–59.0 13 55.3 a 38.6–66.1 12 <0.001
a*–flesh 4.8 −37.3 175 5.0 −25.2 132 0.188
b*–flesh 25.1 a 7.7–41.2 41 20.8 b 8.3–44.3 38 0.012
h*–flesh 77.9 19.2–97.5 27 77.1 20.5–95.3 22 0.197
Chroma–flesh 27.3 a 12.7–41.3 33 21.9 b 8.4–44.3 35 <0.001
SSC 15.4 a 11.5–19.6 17 14.4 b 8.5–20.5 20 0.046
TA 1.2 0.5–1.9 33 1.3 0.8–1.9 25 0.077
Maturity index 15.4 a 6.7–35.1 50 12.1 b 6.1–21.7 34 0.001
TPs–peel 582.5 b 152.1–984.6 43 916.7 a 202.7–1797.3 42 <0.001
TACDPPH–peel 594.1 b 277.9–1135.7 42 852.7 a 443.9–1535.8 41 <0.001
TACFRAP–peel 361.4 b 166.9–685.1 37 456.8 a 206.1–1090.8 44 0.008
TPs–flesh 130.1 b 55.9–220.9 33 164.5 a 63.3–352.3 45 0.006
TACDPPH–flesh 121.9 b 30.8–178.5 34 168.7 a 66.9–343.9 42 <0.001
TACFRAP–flesh 64.7 b 47.2–86.3 17 76.8 a 44.8–133.6 31 0.003
TPs–serving 150.2 b 64.5–238.8 31 200.4 a 88.1–409.2 41 <0.001
TACDPPH–ser. 143.6 b 58.4–215.0 29 199.3 a 85.7–394.9 37 <0.001
TACFRAP–ser. 78.4 b 56.0–109.9 17 94.3 a 56.9–154.6 29 0.001
% TPs–p/s 22.4 12.3–48.3 27.3 13.3–48.6
Leaf shape 2.1 1–3 40 2.1 1–3 20 0.932
Leaf tip shape 1.9 1–3 43 1.3 1–3 48 0.005
Shape of base 1.6 1–3 37 1.0 1–3 20 <0.001
LBL 8.8 b 5.6–12.0 17 9.7 a 8.0–12.8 12 <0.001
LBW 5.3 a 3.5–6.9 18 4.2 b 3.0–5.6 17 <0.001
SL 1.7 a 1.1–2.6 23 1.4 b 1.0–2.2 23 <0.001
LBL/LBW 1.7 1.4–2.2 14 2.4 1.8–3.2 14 0.107
LBL/LPL 5.6 b 3.8–10.0 30 7.3 a 4.8–10.7 18 <0.001