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. 2022 May 16;11(10):2811. doi: 10.3390/jcm11102811

Table 4.

Characteristics of studies included in the systematic review.

Author, Year Country Period of Observation and Study Design Participating
Patients’ Selection Age and Sex Total of Patients ED Visits for Allergy or Anaphylaxis Drug-Related Allergy or Anaphylaxis Hospitalization for Drug-Related Allergy or Anaphylaxis Causative Drug Classes
Asai, 2014 [21] Canada 2011–2012
Retrospective single centre study
Adult tertiary care ED Diagnosis of anaphylaxis or allergic reactions (ICD-10 codes) Median (IQR): 31.5 (26.4–44.0) years
Females 66.3%
37,730 98 18 NR Amoxicillin 16.7%
Banerji, 2014 [22] USA 2006–2008
Retrospective database analysis
Truven Health MarketScan Commercial and Medicare Supplemental Databases (Truven, Ann Arbor, Mich) Diagnosis of anaphylaxis (ICD9-CM codes) Mean ± SD 48 ± 19 years
Females 71%
716 716 716 205 NR
Bellou, 2003 [52] France 1 year (1998)
Retrospective single centre study
General hospital ED Cases of suspected allergic reaction Mean ± SD 55 ± 18.5 years
Females 51%
324 324 25 Overall, 90 Beta-lactams 28%
Macrolides 20%
NSAIDs 52%
Bielen, 2019 [53] Croatia 2012–2015
Retrospective single centre study
Tertiary care university hospital ED Cases of hypersensitivity (SMQ) <29 years: 8005
30–39 years: 7875
40–49 years: 8095
50–64 years; 17611
65–74 years: 13414
>75 years: 16982
Females 54.6%
71,982 3039 627 38 Antibiotics 44.7%
Analgesics and NSAIDs 18.7%
Budnitz, 2005 [23] USA 3 months
Retrospective multicentre study; database analysis
NEISS-CADES database Cases of ADE <2 years: 56; 2–9 years: 62; 10–19 years: 44; 20–29: 66; 30–39 years: 59; 40–49 years: 84; 50–59 years: 65; 60–69 years: 57; 70–79: 58; ≥80 years: 47
Females 63.9%
598 155 155 4 Antibiotics 42.9%
Non-opioid analgesics 29.3% Cardiovascular agents 24%
Budnitz, 2006 [24] USA 2004–2005
Retrospective multicentre study; database analysis
NEISS-CADES database Cases of ADE 0–4 years: 104,185; 5–17 years: 225,082; 18–44 years: 362,044; 45–64: 147,178; ≥65 years: 83,549
Females 44.7%
701,547 estimated annual ED visits 235,202 estimated annual ED visits 235,202 estimated annual ED visits 13,232 estimated annual ED visits NR
Budnitz, 2011 [25] USA 2007–2009
Retrospective multicentre study; database analysis
NEISS-CADES database Cases of ADE 65–69 years: 2470; 70–74 years: 1840; 75–79 years: 2629; 80–84 years: 2476; ≥85 years: 2621
Females 59%
265,802 estimated annual ED visits 39,455
estimated annual ED visits
estimated annual ED visits
5617 estimated annual hospitalization Cardiovascular agents
Cho, 2019 [42] Korea 2012–2016
Cross-sectional multicentre study
7 community hospitals EDs Cases of anaphylaxis (ICD-10 codes) Mean ± SD 51.5 ± 16.0
Females 34.7%
325,857 1021 135 NR NSAIDs 28.1%
Antibiotics 15.6%
Antibiotics and NSAIDs 3.7%
Radiocontrast media 2.2%
Cianferoni, 2001 [54] Italy 1985–1996
Retrospective chart review
University hospital ED Diagnosis of acute anaphylaxis Mean ± SD
42 ± 18
Females 45%
113 113 52 NR Antibiotics 48%
NSAIDs 35%
Cohen, 2008 [26] USA 2004–2005
Retrospective multicentre study; database analysis
NEISS-CADES database Cases of ADE <1 year: 386; 1–4 years: 703; 5–8 years: 302; 9–12 years: 216; 13–18 years: 475
Females NR
6681 2802 2802 Overall, 5.1 Antibiotics 60.8%
Analgesics 9.2%
Multiple agents 6.7%
Respiratory medications 5.9%
Psychotropic medications 2.2%
Cohen, 2018 [43] Israel 2013–2016
Retrospective single centre study
Paediatric hospital ED Cases of allergic reactions or anaphylaxis (Anaphylaxis Criteria, Sampson et al.) Mean 6.8 years (range 0–16 years)
Females 34.7%
113,067 428 10 8 (1 of which in ICU) NR
Dennehy, 1996 [27] USA 30 days (1994)
Single centre study
General hospital ED Cases of drug-related illness Mean ± SD 41.7 ± 22.5 years
Females 50%
50 7 7 Overall, 8 NR
Gabrielli, 2018 [28] Canada 2012–2016
Retrospective/prospective multicentre study
3 paediatric hospital and 1 general hospital EDs Cases of anaphylaxis (diagnosis at ED presentation or ICD codes) Median 49.4 (IQR 40.1–62.9) adults;
median 8.00 (IQR 3.79–15.36) children
Females: 71.9% adults; 47.1% children
884,000 1913 115 (64 adults; 51 children) Admitted (5/51 = 9.8% children, 3/64 = 4.7% adults)
Admitted ICU (1/51 = 2.0% children, 1/64 = 1.6% adults)
Admitted hospital ward (4/51 = 7.8% children, 2/64 = 3.1% adults)
Beta-lactams (28.1% adults, 31.4% children)
Quinolones (20.3% adults, 2% children)
Other antibiotics (6.3% adults, 0% children) NSAIDs (20.3% adults, 21.6% children)
Radiocontrast media (3.1% adults, 3.9% children)
Goh, 2018 [44] Singapore 2014–2015
Prospective multicentre study
3 general hospital EDs Cases of anaphylaxis (ICD-9 codes) Median 23 years (range 3 months to 88 years and 9 months)
Females 49.1%
7373 426 85 (66 adults; 19 children) 3 NSAIDs (24.2% adults, 52.6% children)
Antibiotics (21.2% adults, 5.3% children)
Paracetamol (3.0% adults, 10.5% children)
Grunau, 2015 [29] USA and Canada 2007–2012
Retrospective multicentre cohort study
2 teaching hospital EDs Diagnosis of allergic reaction Median (IQR): 34 (27–47) years patients treated with steroids; 35 (26–49) years patients treated without steroids
Females 60.9%
2701 2701 702 11 Anti-infective agents 48.9%
Nervous system agents 10.3% (analgesics 2%)
Radiocontrast media 3.7%
NSAIDs 2.4%
Hall, 2020 [57] Australia 2010–2015
Retrospective multicentre cohort study
5 university tertiary hospital EDs Cases of antimicrobial anaphylaxis (ICD-10 codes) Median 51 years (IQR 36–67)
Females 61%
293 185 185 7 ICU admission Overall (out of 185)
Penicillins 39.9%
Cephalosporins 35.1%
Amino-penicillins 18.5%
Amino-cephalosporins 17.0%
Hampton, 2014 [30] USA 2009–2011
Retrospective multicentre study; database analysis
Administrative database
63 centres
Cases of psychiatric medication-related ADE 19–44 years: 49.4 (46.5–52.4)
45–64 years: 33.3 (30.7–35.9)
≥65 years: 17.3 (14.7–19.8)
Females 61.9%
89,094 estimated annual ED visits 11,493 estimated annual ED visits 11,493 estimated annual ED visits Overall, 17,188 estimated annual hospitalization Zolpidem
Han, 2018 [45] Korea 2009–2014
Retrospective cohort study; database analysis
National insurance claim database of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment (HIRA) Cases of drug hypersensitivity reactions (ICD-10 codes) 88,003 ≤19 years
169,103 20–44 years
180,535 45–64 years
97,408 ≥65 years
Females 57.5%
535,049 3984 (T88.6 code) 3984 (T88.6 code) 184 (T88.6 code) NR
Harduar-Morano, 2011 [31] USA 2005–2006
Retrospective multicentre study
General hospital EDs Diagnosis of anaphylaxis (ICD9-CM codes) Mean ± SD 38.7 ± 21.46
Females 57%
2751 2751 228 54 NR
Hitti, 2015 [46] Lebanon July–December 2009
Retrospective single centre study
Tertiary care centre ED Cases of acute allergic reaction (ICD-9 codes) Mean ± SD 31.8 ± 19.2 years
Females 42%
293 245 58 Overall, 1 patient was hospitalized Antibiotics 8.2%
NSAIDs 4.9%
Hsin, 2011 [47] India 2000–2010
Retrospective single centre cohort study
General hospital ED Diagnosis of anaphylaxis (ICD9 codes) Mean age overall 43.3 years
Female 47%
201 86 Overall, 161 NR NSAIDs
Contrast media
H1N1 Vaccine
Huang, 2012 [32] USA 2004–2008
Retrospective single centre study
Paediatric hospital ED Cases of anaphylaxis Median (IQR)
8 (4 months–18 years) years
Females 49%
192 (20 had multiple reactions) 192 19 Overall, 28 NR
Jones, 2013 [33] USA 2004–2013
Retrospective multicentre study; database analysis
NEISS-CADES database Cases of fluoroquinolone-associated hypersensitivity ADEs Mean age overall 48.22 years
Females 73.7%
102,536 1659 1422 96 Ciprofloxacin
Kim MY, 2018 (a) [48] Korea 2011–2013
Retrospective multicentre study
2 tertiary hospitals and 1 secondary hospital EDs Cases of anaphylaxis (ICD codes) Mean ± SD 46 ± 17.1
Females 55.2%
194 194 151 NR Antibiotics Acetylsalicylic acid
Radiocontrast media
Kim MY, 2018 (b) [49] South Korea 2003–2016
Retrospective single centre study
Tertiary university hospital ED Cases of anaphylaxis (Korean Standard Classification of Disease) Mean ± SD 41.1 ± 23.4
Females 48.2%
199 199 72 13 Overall (out of 199)
Antibiotics 40.2%
NSAIDs 33.3%
Radiocontrast media 11.1%
Ko, 2015 [50] Korea 2007–2014
Single centre study
Tertiary teaching hospital ED Cases of anaphylaxis (Skin or mucosal tissue involvement; Respiratory compromise; Systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg or syncope; Gastrointestinal symptoms) Mean ± SD 48.4 ± 15.7 years
Females 54.9%
655 415 187 Overall, 3 patients were hospitalized Radiocontrast media 70
Cephalosporins 34
Anticancer agents 16
Losappio, 2014 [55] Italy 2011
Retrospective single centre study
General hospital ED Cases of allergic urticaria (ICD-9 codes) Mean 35.4 years (range 0–90 years)
Females 49.2%
44,112 459 92 (79 adults; 13 children) NR NSAIDs
Lovegrove, 2011 [34] USA 2006–2009
Retrospective multicentre study
Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), 250 non-federal, short-stay general hospitals Cases of antivirals-related ADE <6 years: 139; 6–11 years: 103; 12–17 years: 58; 18–44 years: 332; 45–64 years: 161; ≥65 years: 89
Female 59.3%
879 274 274 Overall, 125 Amantadine
Lovegrove, 2019 [35] USA 2011–2015
Retrospective multicentre study; database analysis
NEISS-CADES database Cases of antibiotics-related ADE in children (MedDRA) 2870 < 1–2 years 743 3–4 years
1187 5–9 years
1742 10–19 years
Females 52.1%
6542 5763 5763 Overall, 265 Overall (out of 6542)
Penicillins 59.7%
Cephalosporins 11.2%
Sulfonamides 9.5%
Motosue, 2018 (a) [36] USA 2005–2014
Prospective observational study; database analysis
OLDW administrative database Cases of anaphylaxis (ICD-9 codes) Median 36 years (interquartile range 17–52)
Females 57.5%
56,212 56,212 6720 Inpatient 717 and ICU 409 NR
Motosue, 2018 (b) [37] USA 2008–2012
Retrospective study; database analysis
Administrative claims database (OptumLabs Data
Cases of anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock (ICD-9 codes) Median 42 years (range 1–87 years)
Females 58.3%
7367 7367 1076 Overall, 532 ICU admission NR
Quiralte, 1997 [56] Spain 1992–1995
Prospective single centre study
University hospital ED Cases of NSAIDs-related anaphylaxis Mean ± SD
35.7 ± 13.9
Females 71%
21 21 21 NR Dipyrone 57.1%
Propyphenazone 14.2%
Acetic derivatives (diclofenac and indomethacin) 14.2%
Rangkakulnuwat, 2020 [51] Thailand 2007–2016
Retrospective single centre study
University hospital ED Cases of anaphylaxis (ICD-10 codes) Median 24.0 years (IQR 19.0–43.0)
Females 57.2%
10,848,695 441 79 NR NSAIDs 7.4%
Agents 4.0%
Radiocontrast media 0.9%
Russell, 2010 [38] USA 2002–2006
Retrospective single centre cross-sectional study
Tertiary care paediatric hospital ED Diagnosis of anaphylaxis (ICD-9 codes) Mean ± SD 9.49 ± 5.56
Females 36%
103 103 15 4 Antibiotics Intravenous contrast
Schneitman Mcintire, 1996 [39] USA 1992–1993
Retrospective single centre study
General hospital ED Patients who experienced medication misadventures 15–44 years 38% 65 years or older 33%
Females 62%
62,216 221 204 7 Trimetoprim sulfametoxazol 34%
Amoxicillin 21%
Ibuprofen 5.4%
Shehab, 2008 [40] USA 2004–2005
Retrospective multicentre study; database analysis
NEISS-CADES database Cases of antibiotics-related ADE <1 years: 545; 1–4 years: 976; 5–14 years: 656; 15–44 years: 2577; 45–64 years: 1143; 65–79 years: 507; ≥80 years: 210
Females 64.4%
142,505 estimated annual ED visits 112,116
estimated annual ED visits
estimated annual ED visits
estimated annual hospitalization
Penicillins 36.9%
Cephalosporins 12.2%
Fluoroquinolones 13.5%
Sulfonamide trimethoprim 11.8%
Macrolides and Ketolides 6.9%
Tetracyclines 3.1%
Vancomycin Linezolid 0.8%
Willy, 2009 [41] USA 2004–2005
Retrospective multicentre study; database analysis
NEISS-CADES database Cases of analgesics-related ADE 0–9 years: 32,222; 10–19 years: 17,012; 20–29 years: 28,298; 30–39 years: 23,165; 40–49 years: 22,706; 50–59 years: 18,767; 60–69 years: 14,590; 70–79 years: 15,030; 80–89 years: 14,933; ≥90 years: 1998
Females 57%
188,721 58,101 58,101 Overall, 22,646 Acetaminophen
Non-narcotic-acetaminophen combination Narcotic-
acetaminophen combination
Acetylsalicylic acid

ADE: adverse drug event; ED: emergency department; ICD-CM: International Classification of Diseases-Clinical Modification; ICU: intensive care unit; IQR: interquartile range; MedDRA: Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology; NR: not reported; NSAIDs: non-anti-inflammatory drugs; SD: standard deviation; SMQ: standardized MedDRA query; T88.6 code: Anaphylactic shock due to adverse effect of correct drug or medication properly administered.