Figure 4.
Analysis of UL34 protein interactions. Raw spectral files from UL34 immunoprecipitation (IP) experiments generated by Nobre et al. [56] were downloaded and researched using MaxQuant. (A) Volcano plot showing relative enrichment of proteins in the UL34 IP (positive fold change), compared to control. Purple: UL34 bait, Blue: cadherins, Green: nuclear lamins, Pink: chromatin modifiers, Red: PP4 phosphate complex sub-units, Black circles: significant differential expression. n = 2, S0 = 2, FDR < 0.05. (B) Bubble plot depicting significantly enriched Gene Ontology terms from the list of UL34 interactors, compared to background (p < 10−3). The x-axis represents the fold enrichment of the term in the target list compared to the expected number based on the background. Bubble size represents the number of IDs associated with each term. (C) Immuno-fluorescence analysis of GM130 and lamin A/C in WT MRC5 cells infected with WT or ΔUL34 AD169-GFP virus. 4 DPI, MOI = 0.1, scale bars = 20 μm. (D) Immuno-fluorescence analysis of GM130 and lamin B1 in WT MRC5 cells infected with WT or ΔUL34 AD169-GFP virus. 4 DPI, MOI = 0.1, scale bars = 20 μm.