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. 2022 May 20;8(5):532. doi: 10.3390/jof8050532

Table 3.

Isolates or specimens used in this study and their GenBank accession numbers. The newly generated sequences are marked with asterisk “★” and ex-type strains are in bold, “-” means sequences data are unavailable in the GenBank database.

Taxa Strain/Voucher No. GenBank Accession Numbers
ITS LSU tef1 rpb2
Arthopyrenia sp. UTHSC DI16-362 LT796905 LN907505 LT797145 LT797065
Arthopyrenia sp. UTHSC DI16-334 LT796887 LN907477 LT797127 -
Neoroussoella alishanense FU31016 MK503816 MK503822 MK336181 MN037756
Neoroussoella bambusae MFLUCC 11-0124 KJ474827 KJ474839 KJ474848 KJ474856
Neoroussoella bambusae GMBCC1116 OM891810 OM884022 ON098358 ON098377
Neoroussoella bambusae GMBCC1118 OM891812 OM801294 ON098359 ON098376
Neoroussoella entadae MFLUCC 15-0098 MH275075 MH260309 - -
Neoroussoella heveae MFLUCC 17-0338 MH590693 MH590689 - -
Neoroussoella heveae MFLUCC 17-2069 MT310634 MT214589 MT394647 MT394703
Neoroussoella lenispora GZCC 16-0020 - KX791431 - -
Neoroussoella leucaenae MFLUCC 18-1544 MK347767 MK347984 MK360067 MK434876
Neoroussoella solani CPC 26331 KX228261 KX228312 - -
Pararoussoella mangrovei MFLUCC 16-0424 MH025951 MH023318 MH028246 MH028250
Pararoussoella mukdahanensis KUMCC 18-0121 MH453489 MH453485 MH453478 MH453482
Pararoussoella mukdahanensis MFLUCC 11-0201 KU940129 KU863118 - -
Pararoussoella rosarum MFLUCC 17-0796 NR_157529 NG059872 MG829224 -
Parathyridaria percutanea CBS 128203 KF322117 KF366448 KF407988 KF366453
Parathyridaria percutanea CBS 868.95 KF322118 KF366449 KF407987 KF366452
Parathyridaria ramulicola CBS 141479 KX650565 KX650565 KX650536 KX650584
Parathyridaria ramulicola MF4 KX650564 KX650564 KX650535 -
Parathyridaria robiniae MFLUCC 14-1119 KY511142 KY511141 KY549682 -
Pseudoneoconiothyrium euonymi CBS 143426 MH107915 MH107961 - MH108007
Pseudoneoconiothyrium rosae MFLUCC 15-0052 NR_157523 NG059868 - -
Pseudoroussoella chromolaenae MFLUCC 17-1492 MT214345 MT214439 MT235769 -
Pseudoroussoella elaeicola MFLUCC 17-1483 MT214348 MT214442 MT235772 MT235808
Pseudoroussoella elaeicola MFLUCC 15-0276b MH742330 MH742327 - -
Pseudoroussoella elaeicola MFLUCC 15-0276a MH742329 MH742326 - -
Roussoella angusta MFLUCC 15-0186 - KT281979 - -
Roussoella aquatica MFLUCC 18-1040 NR171975 NG073797 - -
Roussoella arundinacea CBS 146088 MT223838 MT223928 MT223723 -
Roussoella chiangraina MFLUCC 10-0556 KJ474828 KJ474840 KJ474849 KJ474857
Roussoella doimaesalongensis MFLUCC 14-0584 KY026584 KY000659 KY651249 KY678394
Roussoella elaeicola MFLUCC 15-0276a MH742329 MH742326 - -
Roussoella elaeicola MFLUCC 15-0276b MH742330 MH742327 - -
Roussoella guttulata MFLUCC 20-0102 NR_172428 NG_075383 MW022188 MW022187
Roussoella hysterioides CBS 546.94 KF443405 KF443381 KF443399 KF443392
Roussoella intermedia NBRC 106245 KJ474831 AB524624 - -
Roussoella intermedia CBS 170.96 KF443407 KF443382 KF443398 KF443394
Roussoella japanensis MAFF 239636 KJ474829 AB524621 AB539114 AB539101
Roussoella japanensis GMBCC1067 OM891802 OM884018 ON098344 ON098381
Roussoella japanensis GMBCC1117 OM891811 OM884023 ON098345 ON098382
Roussoella kunmingensis KUMCC 18-0128 MH453491 MH453487 MH453480 MH453484
Roussoella kunmingensis GMBCC1055 OM891797 OM884013 ON098353 ON098385
Roussoella kunmingensis GMBCC1057 OM891798 OM884014 ON098354 ON098362
Roussoella kunmingensis GMBCC1086 OM891804 OM801287 ON098355 ON098363
Roussoella magnatum MFLUCC 15-0185 - KT281980 - -
Roussoella margidorensis MUT 5329 KU314944 MN556322 MN605897 MN605917
Roussoella mediterranea MUT 5369 KU314947 MN556324 MN605899 MN605919
Roussoella mexicana CPC 25355 KT950848 KT950862 - -
Roussoella multiloculate GMB1219 OM891801 OM884017 ON098341 ON098366
Roussoella multiloculate GMBCC1056 OM891799 OM884015 ON098343 ON098369
Roussoella multiloculate GMBCC1065 OM891800 OM884016 ON098338 ON098364
Roussoella multiloculate GMBCC1069 OM891803 OM884019 ON098340 ON098365
Roussoella multiloculate GMBCC1071 ON159383 OM755586 ON098342 ON098368
Roussoella multiloculate GMBCC1080 ON159384 OM755589 ON098339 ON098367
Roussoella neopustulans MFLUCC 11-0609 KJ474833 KJ474841 KJ474850 -
Roussoella neopustulans MFLUCC 12-0003 KU940130 KU863119 - -
Roussoella nitidula MFLUCC 11-0182 KJ474835 KJ474843 KJ474852 KJ474859
Roussoella nitidula MFLUCC 11-0634 KJ474834 KJ474842 KJ474851 KJ474858
Roussoella nitidula GMBCC1097 OM891805 OM884020 ON098351 ON098384
Roussoella padinae MUT 5503 KU158170 MN556327 MN605902 MN605922
Roussoella padinae GMBCC1126 OM891816 OM884025 ON098356 ON098383
Roussoella papillate GMBCC1121 OM891814 OM755608 ON098346 ON098378
Roussoella papillate IFRDCC 3103 ON228188 ON228184 ON244452 ON244450
Roussoella pseudohysterioides MFLUCC 13-0852 KU940131 KU863120 KU940198 -
Roussoella pseudohysterioides KUMCC 18-0111 MH453490 MH453486 MH453479 MH453483
Roussoella pustulans MAFF 239637 KJ474830 AB524623 AB539116 AB539103
Roussoella scabrispora MFLUCC 11-0624 KJ474836 KJ474844 KJ474853 KJ474860
Roussoella scabrispora MFLUCC 14-0582 KY026583 KY000660 - -
Roussoella scabrispora GMBCC1101 ON159385 OM755615 ON098347 ON098371
Roussoella scabrispora GMBCC1102 OM891806 OM884021 ON098348 ON098370
Roussoella scabrispora GMBCC1104 OM891807 OM755616 ON098349 ON098373
Roussoella scabrispora GMBCC1108 OM891808 OM755614 ON098350 ON098372
Roussoella siamensis MFLUCC 11-0149 KJ474837 KJ474845 KJ474854 KJ474861
Roussoella sinensis GMBCC1119 OM891813 OM884024 ON098357 ON098379
Roussoella sinensis IFRDCC 3101 ON228187 ON228183 ON244453 ON244451
Roussoella thailandica MFLUCC 11-0621 KJ474838 KJ474846 - -
Roussoella tuberculata MFLUCC 13-0854 KU940132 KU863121 KU940199 -
Roussoella tuberculata GMBCC1123 OM891815 OM755613 ON098352 ON098380
Roussoella uniloculata GMBCC1110 OM891809 OM801286 ON098360 ON098374
Roussoella uniloculata DDQ01005-2 OM891817 OM884026 ON098361 ON098375
Roussoella verrucispora CBS 125434 KJ474832 AB524622 AB539115 AB539102
Roussoella yunnanensis KUMCC 18-0115 MH453492 MH453488 MH453481 -
Roussoellopsis macrospora MFLUCC 12-0005 - KJ474847 KJ474855 KJ474862
Roussoellopsis sp. NBRC 106246 - AB524626 - -
Roussoellopsis tosaensis KT 1659 - AB524625 MG829199 AB539104
Setoarthopyrenia chromolaenae MFLUCC 17-1444 MT214344 MT214438 MT235768 MT235805
Thyridaria acaciae CBS 138873 KP004469 KP004497 - -
Thyridaria broussonetiae CBS 141481 NR_147658 KX650568 KX650539 KX650586
Torula herbarum CBS 111855 KF443409 KF443386 KF443403 KF443396
Torula hollandica CBS 220.69 KF443406 KF443384 KF443401 KF443393
Xenoroussoella triseptata MFLUCC 17-1438 MT214343 MT214437 MT235767 MT235804

Abbreviations: CBS: Culture collection of the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands; CPC: Culture collection of Pedro Crous, Netherlands; IFRDCC: Research Institute of Resource Insects, Chinese Academy of Forestry Culture Collection, Kunming, China; GMB: Herbarium of Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang, China; GMBCC: Guizhou Medical University Culture Collection, Guiyang, China; KUMCC: Kunming Institute of Botany Culture Collection, Kunming, China; MAFF: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan; MFLUCC: Mae Fah Luang University Culture Collection, Chiang Rai, Thailand; MUT: Mycotheca Universitatis Taurinensis, Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy; NBRC: Biological Resource Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Chiba, Japan; UTHSC: The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, USA; DDQ: Dong-Qin Dai; KT: K. Tanaka.