Serum IL-6 and TNF-a concentrations by treatment group, starter status, and risk. (A) Serum IL-6 concentrations (pg/mL) in the treatment and placebo groups at baseline, mid-season (week 17), and at end of treatment (week 26). (B) Serum IL-6 concentrations (pg/mL) in starters and non-starters at baseline, mid-season (week 17), and at end of treatment (week 26). (C) Serum IL-6 concentrations (pg/mL) in high- and low-risk position groups at baseline, mid-season (week 17), and at end of treatment (week 26). (D) Serum TNF-a concentrations (pg/mL) in the treatment and placebo groups at baseline, mid-season (week 17), and at end of treatment (week 26). (E) Serum TNF-a concentrations (pg/mL) in starters and non-starters at baseline, mid-season (week 17), and at end of treatment (week 26). (F) Serum TNF-a concentrations (pg/mL) in high- and low-risk position groups at baseline, mid-season (week 17), and at end of treatment (week 26). IL-6, interleukin-6; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor-alpha; p-values show significance within groups from baseline values (+) according to repeated measures ANOVA and estimated marginal means; p-values + p < 0.05.