Gibson, 2009 [3] |
Clinical symptoms of chronic airway disease, FEV1/FVC < 70%
FEV1 <80%
Bronchial hyper-responsiveness defined as a PD15 < 12 mL (provocative dose of hypertonic saline that induces a 15% fall in FEV1)
3 major criteria |
Soler-Cataluna, 2011 [11] |
COPD plus:
COPD plus:
2 major criteria OR 1 major criterion AND 2 minor criteria |
Koblizek, 2013 [12] |
COPD plus:
Positive bronchodilator test defined by increase in FEV1 > 15% and >400 mL
Methacholine challenge test positivity
FENO ≥ 45 to 50 ppb and/or sputum eosinophils > 3%
History of asthma
COPD plus:
2 major criteria OR 1 major criterion AND 2 minor criteria |
GINA/GOLD Criteria, 2014 [10] |
More likely COPD if:
Onset age > 40 years
Persistence of symptoms
Daily symptoms with exertional dyspnea and good/bad days
Chronic cough and sputum precede onset of dyspnea, unrelated to triggers
Documented persistent airflow limitation (post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC <70%)
Lung function abnormal between symptoms
Previous physician diagnosis of COPD, chronic bronchitis or emphysema
Heavy exposure to a risk factor (tobacco smoke, biomass fuel)
Symptoms slowly worsening over time (progressive course over years)
Rapid-acting bronchodilator treatment provides only limited relief
Chest radiograph with features of severe hyperinflation
More likely asthma if:
Onset age < 20 years
Variation in symptoms within short periods
Worsening of symptoms at night/early morning
Symptoms triggered by exercise, emotions/laughter, dust, or allergens’ exposure
Documented airflow limitation variability (peak flow, spirometry)
Lung function normal between symptoms
Prior physician diagnosis of asthma
Family history of asthma or atopy/eczema
No worsening of symptoms over time (symptoms vary either seasonally or from year to year)
May improve spontaneously or have an immediate response to bronchodilators or to inhaled steroids over weeks
Normal chest radiograph
If ≥3 items are present for either asthma or COPD, the patient is likely to have that disease A similar number of items for asthma and COPD is suggestive for ACO |
Cosio, 2016 [13] |
COPD plus:
COPD plus:
1 major criterion OR 2 minor criteria |
Sin, 2016 [14] |
COPD plus:
FEV1/FVC < 0.7 or LLN in patients ≥ 40 years of age
≥10 pack years of tobacco smoking OR equivalent indoor or outdoor air pollution exposure
Documented history of asthma before 40 years of age OR bronchodilator reversibility >400 mL in FEV1
COPD plus:
Documented history of atopy or allergic rhinitis
Bronchodilator reversibility of FEV1 ≥ 200 mL and 12% from baseline on ≥2 visits
Peripheral blood eosinophil count of ≥300 cells/mL
3 major criteria AND 1 minor criterion |
Cataldo, 2017 [15] |
ACO in a COPD patient:
ACO in a COPD patient:
Personal or family history of atopy and/or IgE sensitivity to one or more airborne allergens
Elevated blood or sputum eosinophils or increased FENO
Asthma diagnosed before the age of 40
Symptoms’ variability
Age (in favor of asthma)
2 major criteria AND 1 minor criterion |
ACO in an asthma patient:
Persistence over time of airflow obstruction (FEV1/FVC <0.7 or <LLN)
Exposure to noxious particles or gases, with ≥10 pack years for smokers
ACO in an asthma patient:
Lack of response on acute bronchodilator tests
Reduced lung diffusion capacity
Little variability in airway obstruction
Age in favor of COPD (>40 years)
Presence of emphysema on chest CT scan
Miravittles, 2017 [16] |
3 major criteria AND 1 minor criterion |