Box 1.
Categories Used in the Multiple Correspondence Analysis
Adherence/Nonadherence |
Support found helpful/nonhelpful |
HbA1c in target/not in target; No complication/At least one complication |
Deliberate nonadherence: yes/no |
Disease burden tolerable/intolerable |
Quality of life tolerable/intolerable |
Absence/Presence of adverse effects of treatment |
Bothered by hypoglycemia yes/no |
Enough/Not enough information about the disease |
Enough/Not enough information about treatment |
BMI <30/≥30 kg/m2 |
Not depressed/Depressed |
Optimistic/Pessimistic |
Sad (yes/no) |
Obedient/ Disobedient |
Completely/Not completely trusting the doctor |
Sticking/not sticking to habits |
Age <61/≥61 years |
Socioprofessional category SPC.1/SPC.2 (craftsmen, shopkeepers, executives, intermediate professions/farmers, employees, workers, others without activity); |
Feeling that he/she will change a lot in the next 10 years/Not a lot |
Preparing the future very important/not very important |
Smoking/Not smoking |
Sedentarity/Physical activity. |