Fig. 1. Asynchronization degrades PA imaging quality.
a) System setup. Vantage system receives flash-lamp trigger from laser, waits for certain time for the optical-buildup of the laser, and then starts data acquisition. Upon data acquisition, Vantage system generates a negative output trigger. Function generator inverts the output trigger to positive Q-switch trigger and fires laser pulse. ① ② ③ are the delays introduced by Vantage system, function generator and Laser, respectively. b) Trigger flow and Delays. ① — Delay between Laser-lamp trigger and Vantage output trigger (250 μs), ② — Delay between Vantage output trigger and Q-switch trigger (170 ns), and ③ — Delay between Q-switch trigger and laser pulse (745 ns). c) Total delay between the Verasonics output trigger and laser pulse in 10 repeated measurements (n=10). d) PA image and ultrasound image of two nichrome wires. PA image is in red code and overlaid to the ultrasound image in gray. The wires are 10 mm underneath the transducer and 12 mm apart from each other. The scale bar is 1 mm.