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. 2022 May 30;8(2):00528-2021. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00528-2021


Time trends in known environmental trigger factors through the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase III and Global Asthma Network (GAN) in the two age groups of children

6–7-year age group 13–14-year age group
GAN (n=20084) ISAAC Phase III (n=47166) p-value# GAN (n=25887) ISAAC Phase III (n=52289) p-value#
Paracetamol use in last 12 months
 Never 6639 (33.1) 8945 (19.0) 0.000 9838 (38.0) 14 689 (28.1) 0.000
 At least once a year 9496 (47.3) 21 499 (45.6) 10 283 (39.7) 18 749 (35.9)
 At least once per month 2104 (10.5) 5940 (12.6) 4441 (17.2) 9530 (18.2)
 No response 1845 (9.2) 10 782 (22.8) 1325 (5.1) 9321 (17.8)
Farm animals during pregnancy
 Yes 1307 (6.5) 3357 (7.1) 0.000
 No 18 051 (89.9) 34 474 (73.1)
 No response 726 (3.6) 9335 (19.8)
Farm animals during first year of life
 Yes 1059 (5.3) 4267 (9.0) 0.000
 No 18 297 (91.1) 33 585 (71.2)
 No response 728 (3.6) 9314 (19.8)
Trucks pass through the street
 Never 9999 (49.8) 9451 (20.0) 0.374 11 063 (42.7) 10 978 (21.0) 0.000
 Seldom (not often) 8631 (43.0) 13 793 (29.2) 9573 (37.0) 15 354 (29.4)
 Frequently through the day 1028 (5.1) 8276 (17.6) 2902 (11.2) 9550 (18.3)
 Almost the whole day 426 (2.1) 5808 (12.3) 1268 (4.9) 2718 (5.2)
 No response 0 9838 (20.9) 1081 (4.2) 13 689 (26.2)
Child ever breastfed
 Yes 16 569 (82.5) 35 215 (74.7) 0.000
 No 2728 (13.6) 2549 (5.4)
 No response 787 (3.9) 9402 (19.9)
Cat in the home during first year of life
 Yes 991 (4.9) 3756 (8.0) 0.000
 No 18 360 (91.4) 34 107 (72.3)
 No response 733 (3.7) 9303 (19.7)
Cat in the home in last 12 months
 Yes 985 (4.9) 3632 (7.7) 0.000 3221 (12.4) 8491 (16.2) 0.000
 No 17 875 (89.0) 34 277 (72.7) 22 041 (85.1) 35 480 (67.9)
 No response 1224 (6.09) 9257 (19.63) 625 (2.5) 8318 (15.9)
Dog in the home during first year of life
 Yes 1102 (5.5) 4102 (8.7) 0.000
 No 18 280 (91.0) 33 836 (71.7)
 No response 702 (3.5) 9228 (19.6)
Dog in the home in last 12 months
 Yes 1200 (6.0) 3779 (8.0) 0.000 3930 (15.2) 7934 (15.2) 0.000
 No 18 150 (90.4) 34 183 (72.5) 21 394 (82.6) 36 000 (68.8)
 No response 734 (3.6) 9204 (19.5) 563 (2.2) 8355 (16.0)
Fast food
 Never or only occasionally 13 286 (66.2) 10 754 (22.8) 0.000 16 535 (63.9) 12 553 (24.0) 0.000
 Once or twice per week 3445 (17.2) 7383 (15.7) 5200 (20.1) 12 018 (23.0)
 Most or all days 462 (2.3) 9865 (20.9) 1690 (6.5) 10 236 (19.6)
 No response 2891 (13.3) 19 164 (40.3) 2462 (9.5) 17 482 (33.4)
Antibiotic in first year of life
 Yes 3350 (16.7) 17 706 (37.5) 0.373
 No 16 734 (83.3) 17 711 (37.6)
 No response 0 11 749 (24.9)
Fresh fruit
 Never or only occasionally 4590 (22.9) 11 179 (23.7) 0.000 7698 (29.7) 12 031 (23.0) 0.000
 Once or twice per week 6841 (34.1) 12 503 (26.5) 6106 (23.6) 14 409 (27.6)
 Most or all days 6341 (31.6) 11 511 (24.4) 9255 (35.8) 15 061 (28.8)
 No response 2312 (11.4) 11 973 (25.4) 2828 (10.9) 10 788 (20.6)
 Never or only occasionally 5565 (27.7) 12 291 (26.1) 0.000 13 150 (50.8) 12 721 (24.3) 0.000
 Once or twice per week 5792 (28.8) 9395 (19.9) 4666 (18.0) 11 230 (21.5)
 Most or all days 5842 (29.1) 13 726 (29.1) 5193 (20.1) 17 681 (33.8)
 No response 2885 (14.4) 11 754 (24.9) 2878 (11.1) 10 657 (20.4)
Mother smoking during first year of life
 Yes 209 (1.0) 385 (0.8) 0.000
 No 19 194 (95.6) 37 637 (79.8)
 No response 681 (3.4) 9144 (19.4)

Data are presented as n (%), unless otherwise stated. #: Chi-squared test. : questions included in the 6–7-year age group questionnaire only.