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. 2022 May 30;8(2):00528-2021. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00528-2021


Use of various types of medicines in subjects with current wheeze and severe asthma with or without doctor-diagnosed asthma

Current wheezers with doctor-diagnosed asthma Current wheezers without doctor-diagnosed asthma p-value# Severe asthma with doctor-diagnosed asthma Severe asthma without doctor-diagnosed asthma p-value#
6–7-year age group n=115 n=519 n=95 n=225
 Inhaled β-agonists
  Only when needed 41 (35.65) 10 (1.93) 0.000 33 (34.74) 3 (1.33) 0.000
  In short courses 18 (15.65) 5 (0.96) 15 (15.79) 1 (0.44)
  Every day 5 (4.35) 0 (0.0) 3 (3.16) 0 (0.0)
  Not using any medicine 51 (44.35) 504 (97.11) 44 (46.31) 221 (98.23)
  Only when needed 16 (13.91) 8 (1.54) 0.000 11 (11.58) 3 (1.33) 0.000
  In short courses 12 (10.43) 1 (0.19) 11 (11.58) 0 (0.0)
  Every day 4 (3.48) 1 (0.19) 3 (3.16) 0 (0.0)
  Not using any medicine 83 (72.18) 509 (98.08) 70 (73.68) 222 (98.67)
 Combined (ICS+LABA)
  Only when needed 14 (12.17) 4 (0.77) 0.000 9 (9.47) 1 (0.44) 0.000
  In short courses 6 (5.22) 3 (0.58) 4 (4.21) 0 (0.0)
  Every day 9 (7.83) 1 (0.19) 8 (8.42) 0 (0.0)
  Not using any medicine 86 (74.78) 511 (98.47) 74 (77.90) 224 (99.56)
13–14-year age group n=239 n=701 n=182 n=380
 Inhaled β-agonists
  Only when needed 107 (44.77) 41 (5.85) 0.000 97 (53.30) 26 (6.84) 0.000
  In short courses 18 (7.53) 22 (3.14) 17 (9.34) 7 (1.84)
  Every day 8 (3.35) 1 (0.14) 7 (3.85) 1 (0.26)
  Not using any medicine 106 (44.35) 637 (90.87) 61 (33.52) 346 (91.06)
  Only when needed 30 (12.55) 13 (1.85) 0.000 23 (12.64) 11 (2.89) 0.000
  In short courses 46 (19.25) 6 (0.86) 42 (23.07) 5 (1.32)
  Every day 8 (3.35) 0 (0.0) 5 (2.75) 0 (0.0)
  Not using any medicine 155 (64.85) 682 (97.29) 112 (61.54) 364 (95.79)
 Combined (ICS+LABA)
  Only when needed 65 (27.20) 16 (2.28) 0.000 58 (31.86) 13 (3.42) 0.000
  In short courses 6 (2.51) 4 (0.57) 0.012 4 (2.20) 4 (1.05)
  Every day 5 (2.09) 2 (0.29) 0.005 5 (2.75) 2 (0.53)
  Not using any medicine 163 (68.20) 679 (96.86) 115 (63.19) 361 (95.0)
Adults n=603 n=2077 n=467 n=1032
 Inhaled β-agonists
  Only when needed 218 (36.15) 24 (1.16) 0.000 171 (36.62) 16 (1.55) 0.000
  In short courses 33 (5.47) 4 (0.19) 31 (6.64) 3 (0.29)
  Every day 30 (4.98) 3 (0.14) 26 (5.57) 3 (0.29)
  Not using any medicine 322 (53.40) 2046 (98.51) 239 (51.17) 1010 (97.87)
  Only when needed 58 (9.62) 9 (0.43) 0.000 49 (10.49) 7 (0.68) 0.000
  In short courses 21 (3.48) 3 (0.14) 19 (4.07) 3 (0.29)
  Every day 13 (2.16) 0 (0.0) 11 (2.36) 0 (0.0)
  Not using any medicine 511 (84.74) 2065 (99.43) 388 (83.08) 1022 (99.03)
 Combined (ICS+LABA)
  Only when needed 101 (16.75) 11 (0.53) 0.000 73 (15.63) 8 (0.78) 0.000
  In short courses 18 (2.99) 4 (0.19) 14 (3.00) 4 (0.39)
  Every day 37 (6.14) 0 (0.0) 32 (6.85) 0 (0.0)
  Not using any medicine 447 (74.12) 2062 (99.28) 348 (74.52) 1020 (98.83)

Data are presented as n (%), unless otherwise stated. ICS: inhaled corticosteroid; LABA: long-acting β-agonist. #: the Chi-squared test is used when all expected cell frequencies are ≥5. If expected cell frequency was <5 the Fisher exact probability test was used. : severe asthma is defined as current wheeze with more than four attacks per year or wheeze affecting speech or activity.