Fig. 2.
High-resolution map of infection-driven MDSCs determined by scRNA-seq analysis. a UMAP embedding of 1,497 transcriptomes of CD11b+ cells isolated from the spleen of S. aureus-infected mice at day 21 of infection (infected) and 1,897 transcriptomes of CD11b+ cells isolated from uninfected mice (control). b UMAP embedding (as a) showing clusters of cells annotated by cell type. c Dot plot of marker genes underlying the cell type annotation. As indicated by the legend, the size of each dot reflects the proportion of cells of each type expressing the marker gene, and the color intensity reflects the mean expression of each marker gene across all cells in the respective cluster. d Sankey plot showing the proportion of cell types between control and infection. UMAP, Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection.