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. 2022 Dec;42(2):113–133. doi: 10.1177/02762366221104214

Table 7.

Ordinal Regression Analyses for the Lucid Dream Frequency.

Analysis 1 (N  =  1,528) Analysis 2 (N  =  1,524)
Variable Coefficient t p Effect size Coefficient t p Effect size
Age .1722 3.4 .0007 0.095 .2147 4.2 <.0001 0.118
Gender (0  =  f, 1  =  m) .1866 3.8 .0001 0.103 .1741 3.6 .0003 0.096
Ethnicity (0  =  white, 1  =  non-white) .0165 0.3 .7389 0.009 .0288 0.6 .5630 0.016
Anxiety Disorder .0009 0.0 .9884 0.001 -.0022 −0.0 .9723 0.001
Mood Disorder .0618 1.0 .3385 0.034 .0342 0.5 .5972 0.019
Other diagnoses -.0237 −0.4 .6692 −0.013 -.0203 −0.4 .7164 −0.011
Neuroticism -.2064 −3.4 .0008 −0.114 -.2186 −3.5 .0004 −0.121
Extraversion -.0766 −1.5 .1232 −0.042 -.0787 −1.6 .1168 −0.043
Openness to experience .1401 2.9 .00191 0.077 .1258 2.6 .00501 0.069
Agreeableness .0974 1.9 .0579 0.054 .1086 2.1 .0351 0.060
Conscientiousness .0098 0.2 .8489 0.005 .0518 −0.6 .5311 −0.018
DASS-21 .2786 4.6 <.0001 0.154 .1550 2.5 .0120 0.085
Covid-related anxiety (PAS) .1821 3.6 .0003 0.100 .1264 2.5 .0140 0.070
Dream recall frequency .6886 13.1 <.0001 0.380 .4739 8.2 <.0001 0.261
Nightmare frequency .5290 8.5 <.0001 0.292

Coefficient  =  Standardized estimates (equivalent to standardized regression coefficients), 1one-tailed, DASS-21  =  Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (21 Items), Pandemic Anxiety Scale (PAS).