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. 2022 May 17;8(3):1350–1362. doi: 10.3390/tomography8030109
AIS acute ischemic stroke
LVO large vessel occlusion
TICI Thrombolysis in cerebral infarction
MT mechanical thrombectomy
HV hypoperfusion volume
FIV follow-up infarct volume
HIR hypoperfusion intensity ratio
mRS modified Rankin Scale
ASPECTS Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score
EVT endovascular therapy
Tmax time when the residue function reaches its maximum
CTP computed tomography perfusion
NECT non-enhanced computed tomography
VPCT volume perfusion CT
CTA computed tomography angiography
ICV ischemic core volume
NIHSS National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
ICA internal carotid artery