Neighbor-joining cladogram based on δ-proteobacterial
16S rDNA sequences. Sequences were aligned and edited in ClustalW.
Hypervariable sites (as determined by less than 50% consensus of one
base per alignment site) were removed. The aligned sequences were
analyzed in PHYLIP. Seqboot was used to generate 500 bootstrap data
sets. The bootstrap data sets were used to produce 500 distance
matrices in DNADIST. The Kimura two-parameter model was used in DNADIST
to account for probable variance in base substitution rates.
Transversions were weighted twice as heavily as transitions were
weighted. Neighbor-joining trees were constructed from the matrices by
using NEIGHBOR. A consensus tree was generated in CONSENSE. The
consensus tree was rooted with E. coli and was viewed in
TREEVIEW. The numbers are bootstrap percentages. The levels of
similarity between strain T1 and JTB20, “Desulforhopalus
vacuolatus”, and Desulfofustis glycolicus were
95.3%, 93.0, and 91.5%, respectively.