Intention and motivation |
Affective attitude |
“I wanted to see what my limits were and so it was a no brainer to give it a go” 010 |
“ … it was at diagnosis that my whole world started to change … it created an opportunity to gain some control back” 009 |
“I am self-employed, so I've got to work, I've got to do it. So, it's in my interests to get myself as well as I can be” 003 |
“it was a challenge, but as I got on, I got faster and better at it and I was quite happy with that.” 004 |
“Sometimes it’s very easy to just sit. And having to do those, sort of got me going, got me moving.” 001 |
Satisfaction of experience |
Perceived effectiveness |
“One of the tests where you had to put one foot in front of the other … I struggled with that as far as balance was concerned initially and the programme sort of improved that” 001 |
“ … Once this [RA] came on, I couldn't do it [walking with friends]. Now, since I've gone on the gait project, I've started again, and I've done about three- or four-mile walks,” 008 |
“ … I feel my heart beating so it’s got to be good for general fitness … I enjoy it and it lifts my mood” 010 |
“It doesn’t work miracles overnight … it was a month and two weeks, that I could really see the difference” 004 |
“Obviously, I'm a bit stiff and it sort of limbers up a little bit, gets you going a little bit. I suppose it was just to get me moving” 006 |
Barriers to continuation |
Burden |
“There's not space in the house, it's too small. I've only got my living room and my kitchen, and then the living room is only small, and it's got furniture and everything in it, so there's not … and it's not safe to do anything, to be honest” 003 |
“Sometimes I’d do consecutive days and then miss a couple of days and other times I stuck to the three a week.” 001 |
Opportunity costs |
“Moving to a new house is an obstacle … But maybe once I've moved house and I've got less house work and gardening, I'm going to really go for it and I'm going to try and do it as often as possible … .” 009 |
“ … if I did do it at home I would find it difficult with the kids … its easier for me to go to a gym (after the hospital sessions) … ” 010 |