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. 2022 May 30;10:139. doi: 10.1186/s40359-022-00850-4

Table 1.

Overview of included studies

References Country Participants: ‘n’ and job role Participant demographics Relevant measures Quality (%)
Akamangwa [66] UK


Staff at a UK-based global shipping company and aboard two of its ships—34 ship crew, 7 managers

Not reported Semi-structured interviews about experiences complying with health, safety and wellbeing requirements on board 70
Andrei et al. [67] Australia

Unclear; study states n = 199 but also reports that 25 were members of command team and the other 125 were members of crew

Seafarers working for marine operations of a large global mining company

99% male

Mean age 36.65

3 items from Questionnaire on the Experience and Assessment of Work; 4 items adapted from existing research on monotony and attention capacity literature; 3 items from Work Design Questionnaire relating to decision-making authority; 4 items adapted from existing scale on perceived availability of instrumental support from colleagues and direct supervisor; 10 items developed for previous study to measure different types of fatigue; 4 items adapted from previous literature on common sleep problems 65
Andruskiene et al. [34] Lithuania


Students at Lithuanian Maritime Academy studying either Marine Navigation, Marine Engineering, or Port and Shipping Management/Finances of Port and Shipping Companies/Maritime Transport Logistics Technologies

78.9% male

Mean age 20.71

Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale 60
Arcury-Quandt et al. [25] USA


Active-duty ship-assigned military personnel—US Navy and Marine Corps

71.2% male

Mean age 26.3

CES-D; CAGE questionnaire and abbreviated AUDIT-C; modified Holmes-Rahe Stress Scale 70
Barbarewicz et al. [70] Germany


Maritime pilots; 12 on a 1-week rotation system and 48 on 4-month rotation system

Gender not reported

Mean age 48.7

RESTQ-work 27; Berlin Questionnaire; validated short version of the 'evening morning protocols'—a sleep diary; Resilience Scale RS-13 80
Bergheim et al. [31] Norway

486 in Study 1; 594 in Study 2

Maritime workers from 3 shipping companies

Study 1: 100% male

Mean age 40.8

Study 2: 99% male

Mean age 40

Study 1: Norwegian offshore risk and safety climate inventory; Psychological Capital Questionnaire

Study 2: As above, plus three items from Job Satisfaction Scale—short version

Bergheim Valdersnes et al. [43] Norway


Seafarers from a Norwegian company in the offshore oil and gas industry

Gender not reported

32.9% aged between 30–39; mean not reported

Subscale of Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory; questionnaire based on hazard categories used in official reports from Norwegian Maritime Directorate; Psychological Capital Questionnaire; Safety Climate Questionnaire 65
Bobdey et al. [76] India


Personnel posted on a capital ship of the Indian Navy

Not reported Interpersonal Support Evaluation List 65
Brasher et al. [46] UK 144 submariners within the Royal Navy v 144 general service controls Not reported Work and Wellbeing Questionnaire; GHQ-12 70
Carotenuto et al. [48] Authors in Italy; participants were from Argentina, Bulgaria, India, Italy and Romania


Seafarers on board merchant ships for at least two weeks—7 tankers belonging to the same shipping company

100% male

Mean age 34.9

Psychological General Well-being Index 60
Chambers and Main [82] Australia and New Zealand


Maritime pilots employed across ports in Australia and New Zealand

98% male

Mean age 51.42

9-item Vitality Scale from the short form Health Survey; 10-item symptoms of fatigue checklist; 10-item coping strategies checklist 60
Chowdhury et al. [78] India, Madagascar, Philippines, Ukraine, and 'cross-regional'


International Transport Workers' Federation—seafarer affiliates

100% male India; 80% male Madagascar; 98.4% male Philippines; 99% male Ukraine; 88% male cross-regional

Age not reported

Study-specific questionnaire establishing knowledge, attitudes and behaviour regarding HIV/AIDS, health and wellness, health-seeking or risk-taking behaviour and the role of the workplace and union in promoting health 45
Chung et al. [29] South Korea


Seafarers on shipping vessels belonging to a Korean shipping company, docked at Busan Port

99.35% male

Mean age 35.77

Copenhagen Burnout Inventory; Siegrist's ERI Scale; Epworth Sleepiness Scale; Emotion Regulation Questionnaire 70
Devereux and Wadsworth [77] Authors in UK; participants were British, Polish, Romanian, Norwegian, Russian Swedish, Dutch and Filipino


Seafarers berthed in UK ports on 4 vessels—one offshore vessel and three chemical/product tankers

97.3% male

Mean age 39

Semi-structured interviews covering seafarers’ experiences of the arrangements made to manage risks to their health and safety 80
Dohrmann et al. [49] Denmark


Employees of Danish ferry shipping industry; most slept at home or in onshore watch-rooms

89% male

Mean age 47.6

Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory; two subscales of Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (work-family conflict and supervisor support) 70
Dohrmann et al. [61] Denmark As above As above Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory; two subscales of Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (job demands and control) 65
Doyle et al. [27] Authors in Ireland, participants international


Seafarers of tanker vessels in an international gas and crude oil shipping company who had been on board between 0–24 weeks; 1% catering, 28% rating/crew, 65% officer/engineer

98% male

21% aged 18–29, 37% between 30–39, 41%between 40–64, and 1% 65; mean not reported

2 questions each asking number of weeks participants had been on board since last shore leave and how long they have worked as a seafarer; Dispositional Resilience Scale-15; 4-item version of Perceived Stress Scale; The Employees Survey—an annual survey of work attitudes and experiences completed anonymously by employees 70
Hystad and Eid [42] Authors in Norway, participants international


Seafarers working in the offshore re-supply industry (402) and seafarers working on board combined passenger and cargo ships (340)

Gender not reported

Offshore supply: 12.2% aged 24 or under, 16.9% aged 25–29, 32.3% aged 30–39, 27.6% aged 40–54, 9.7% aged 55 or over

Seafarers on freight and passenger ferries: Mean age 37.02

Psychological Capital Questionnaire; Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; asked to judge the extent to which they felt disturbed by different environmental factors such as noise and motion; asked how long they had been on board since last shore leave and length of seafaring career 65
Hystad et al. [30] Authors in Norway, vessels operating in North Sea and Southeastern Asia


Seafarers working in offshore oil and gas re-supply industry

Gender not reported

12.2% aged 24 or under, 16.9% aged 25–29, 32.3% aged 30–39, 27.6% aged 40–54, 9.7% aged 55 or over

Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory; Zohar and Luria's scale of safety climate; questions on psychological demands and job control from General Nordic Questionnaire for psychological and social factors at work 65
Jegaden et al. [50] France 80 seafarers (40 officers, 40 crew) vs 63 office staff from the same shipping company

100% male

Mean age 40.3 for officers, 42.3 for crew members, 43.6 for office staff

Farmer and Sundberg Boredom Proneness Scale; Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; Job Content Questionnaire 45
Jezewska et al. [41] Poland


Seafarers employed in the Polish fleet and foreign flag vessels

100% male

Mean age 44

WHOWOL-BREF; Survey for people working at sea; NEO-FFI Questionnaire; PTS Temperament Questionnaire 60
Jo and Koh [33] South Korea 146 officers on Navy ships, 98 officers on submarines

Ship officers: 97.5% male, mean age 30.7

Submarine officers: 100% male, mean age 29.61

Items from Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; Job-Related Affective Well-Being Scale 75
Kalvaitiene and Sencila [69] Lithuania


Marine navigation, marine engineering and electrical engineering students at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy, all with seagoing practice experience

Not reported Semi-structured interview with questions about difficulties on board; communication with ship's crew members; and measures taken to make it easier to adapt on board 30
Kelley et al. [75] USA


US Navy personnel assigned to a homeported Arleigh Burke-class destroyer anticipating deployment within 2 months

70.4% male

Mean age 28.15

AUDIT; Command Stress Assessment; CES-D-10; Friendship Scale Assessment; Relationship Assessment Scale 75
Kelley et al. [81] USA


US Navy personnel assigned to an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer who experienced an 8-month deployment

71.3% male

Mean age 28.34

Command Stress Assessment; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; AUDIT; CESD-10 75
Kim and Jang [28] South Korea


Marine officers working at a harbor (people in command of a commercial vessel and the crew)

100% male

Mean age not reported, but half were in their 20 s and 30 s

SCL-90-R; survey on job stress modified and customised for seafarers; modified tool based on Job Descriptive Index 75
Kim and Jang [44] South Korea


Seafarers of a shipping firm, living and working on a ship for more than 6 months

Gender not reported

80.4% in 20 s-30 s, 19.6% aged 40 + 

Modified version of organisational culture tool; tool based on tool for emotional and instrumental support; Cho et al.'s self-efficacy measurement; short form of Park et al.'s perceived fatigue tool; modified version of Psychological General Well-Being Index (PGWBI-S) 70
Kingdom and Smith [83] UK



76% male

Mean age not reported, but 64% aged between 41–60

Questionnaire measuring exposure to physical agents and noise; job demands-control-support; effort-reward imbalance; organisational culture; management of change; leader-member exchange; team-member exchange; bullying; role conflict and ambiguity; training; how stressful work is; number of sick days in past year; work-related illness; Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; Epworth Sleepiness Scale; symptoms and medication; insomnia; accidents and injuries; memory; risk-taking; smoking and drinking; weight and exercise; time to relax; time spent on hobbies; impact of family on job; impact of job on family; negative affectivity; coping 60
Kum and Ertas [73] Turkey


Shipping company personnel

78% male

Mean age not reported, but 40% under 30, 40% between 30–40, 20% over 40

Questionnaire derived from Work Harassment Scale 60
Lefkowitz et al. [23] Authors in USA, data international Examined 278 mental illness claims between 2007–2015 from marine insurance provider for seafarers on Gard vessels N/A N/A 77.8
Lefkowitz et al. [45] USA


Domestic shipping vessel masters (captains) and pilots at two vessel piloting training centres

Gender not reported

Mean age 46

PHQ-9; GAD-7; Sleep Condition Indicator 65
Matsangas and Shattuck [56] USA


Sailors on US Navy surface ships

78.8% male

Median age 25 (mean not reported)

Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; Epworth Sleepiness Scale; Insomnia Severity Index; Profile of Mood States 65
McVeigh and MacLachlan [60] Philippines


Merchant seafarers on board liquefied natural gas carriers, product oil tankers and crude oil tankers

100% male

Age not reported

Focus groups to discuss perceptions and experiences of stress, resilience and wellbeing 80
McVeigh et al. [35] Not reported; authors based in Ireland, South Africa, Czechia, and the UK

512 at Time0, 276 at Time1 (approximately 10 months later)

Merchant seafarers within a large shipping organisation (officers and ratings/crew)

Time0: 98.2% male, 41% aged 40–64

Time1: 98.2% male, 39.9% aged 40–64

The organisation's Employees Survey; Dispositional Resilience Scale-15; Perceived Stress Scale-4 65
McVeigh et al. [68] Not reported; authors based in Ireland, South Africa, and Czechia


Superintendents (office-based, n = 5), and officers and crew (n = 19) of a large shipping company

Not reported

11 interviews and 1 focus group with 13 participants

The first six interviews assessed perceptions of the pilot resilience programme and perceptions and experiences of resilience

Remaining interviews and focus group covered perceptions and experiences of wellbeing, resilience and stress

Nielsen et al. [63] Norway


Seafarers from 2 large Norwegian shipping companies

99% male

Mean age 40

3 items about intentions to leave; three items from Job Satisfaction Scale—short version; Brief Norwegian offshore risk and safety climate inventory (Brief-NORSCI); 5 items from Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire; Authentic Leadership Questionnaire' 3 items on job demands; Negative Acts Questionnaire Revised; 4 items from Platoon Cohesion Index adapted for maritime context 75
Oldenburg et al. [32] Germany


Seafarers in merchant marine service

92.8% male

Mean age 41.9

Study-specific scale of shipboard stressors; emotional exhaustion scale of the Maslach Burnout Inventory; one question each; Epworth Sleepiness Scale 75
Oldenburg et al. [58] Germany


Sailors on board container ships (19 nautical officers, 51 deck ratings and 34 engine room employees)

100% male

Mean age 35.4

Questionnaire used in the authors’ previous maritime studies, provided in form of a standardised interview, asking participants to rate whether they experienced various physical environmental influences and a free-text response on physical influences during their stay on board 75
Oldenburg and Jensen [38] Germany


Seafarers on board container ships (nautical officers, deck ratings, engine room personnel)

100% male

Mean age 38.3

Study-specific questionnaire about communication of crews with their home 70
Oldenburg and Jensen [51] Authors in Germany, participants European and Southeast Asian


Sailors on container ships

100% male

Mean age 38.3

Participants recorded working time, leisure time, lying/sleeping time and sport time; SenseWear armband monitor and Polar watch worn continuously to give an objective measure of strain (watch measures heart rate and heart rate variability; armband monitors physical activity and calorie expenditure); asked about subjectively experienced stress due to job-related physical or mental impacts, working hours, and sleep deficit 75
Oldenburg and Jensen [57] Germany


Seafarers on board container ships (nautical officers, deck ratings, engine room personnel)

100% male

Mean age 38.2

Study-specific questions on mental and physical strain as a result of activities carried out in the respective voyage episodes and various seafaring stressors, derived from their own previously published study 75
Oldenburg and Jensen [79] Germany


Seafarers on board container ships (nautical officers, deck ratings, engine room personnel)

100% male

Mean age not reported, median 37

Study-specific questionnaire asking about use of and needs for recreational facilities on board and strategies for coping with stress; daily log of leisure activities and sleeping time 70
Osterman et al. [22] Sweden

1980 (survey); 29 (interviews)

Survey: Service crew on passenger ships

Interviews: 5 HR department, 4 hotel, restaurant and cruise managers, and 20 ratings service department including safety delegates and union representatives, and seafarers working in bars, restaurants, housekeeping, shops, warehouses and spas on board

Survey: Mostly men but exact statistics not reported; largest age group 20–30

Interviews: 51.7% male; age not reported

Survey based on questionnaires from the International Social Survey Program, Work Orientations III relating to organisational and occupational commitment, job satisfaction and work experiences

Unclear what the semi-structured interview questions were

Othman et al. [52] Malaysia


Seafarers—20 senior deck cadets, 20 senior deck officers, 20 junior deck officers

Not reported ‘Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to the Ideal Solution’ method used to rank the root causes of distractions causing accidents at work 25
Peplinska et al. [39] Poland


Mariners working on deep-sea ships

Gender not reported

Age range 25–60, mean not reported

Purpose In Life Test; State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; Perceived Stress Questionnaire; Questionnaire of Suitable Marriage 45
Peplinska et al. [40] Poland


Mariners working on deep-sea ships

Gender not reported

Age range 25–60, mean not reported

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; Levestein's Stress Level Questionnaire; Well-Matched Marriage Questionnaire 50
Pesel et al. [64] Authors in Spain, Italy and Denmark; participants international—54% from Asian countries, 17% from European countries, 28% from Russian and former USSR countries, 1.3% other


Seafarers on container ships

100% male

Mean age 39

GHQ12 with three extra questions about COVID precautions on board 65
Rapoliene et al. [84] Lithuania

Baseline: 180 (65 balneotherapy intervention v 50 music intervention v 65 controls)

Completed intervention: 55 v 35 v 50 respectively

Seamen who had been working at sea for more than 5 years

100% male

Mean age 47.5 for balneotherapy group, 47.6 for music group, 46.2 for controls

Overall reported health, medication use, pain, mood, changes in feelings assessed in GP evaluation; General Symptoms Distress Scale; Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory; Cognitive Failures Questionnaire 75
Saitzyk and Vorm [24] USA

Retrospective database analysis of 425 cases of self-directed violence found in records

Military personnel on board US Navy aircraft carriers

61.4% male

Mean age not reported, majority under 25

N/A 77.8
Schmied et al. [59] USA


Active duty service members from naval commands, assigned to sea duty

77.8% male

16.7% aged 18–24, 38.9% aged 25–29, 44.4% aged 30 + 

Semi-structured interviews assessing experiences of sleeping in shipboard environments 80
Seyle et al. [26] India, Philippines and Ukraine 101 seafarers who had been held hostage by pirates in the past 10 years vs. 363 not exposed to piracy

Not exposed to piracy: India—100% male, mean age 29.46 (n = 103), Philippines – 99% male, mean age 40.34 (n = 144), Ukraine—87% male, mean age 34.85 (n = 127)

(Note: it is unclear why 374 participants are described when ‘n’ is reported to be 363)

Exposed to piracy: India – 100% male, mean age 37.41 (n = 44), Philippines – 100% male, mean age 40.34, Ukraine – 96% male, mean age 42.88 (n = 26)

Previous trauma exposure; 2 items about training and how helpful it was; PCL-C; CES-D; Duke Health Profile; three study-specific items about the impact of piracy on work decisions 65
Shevchenko et al. [53] Ukraine


Cadets specialising in sea and river transport—students from two Maritime Academies on their first or second course (n = 40) or third/fourth (n = 40), who had undergone long-term floating practice lasting over 3 months

Not reported Coping-Strategy Indicator; Well-being-Activity-Mood questionnaire 40
Sliskovic [65] Author in Croatia; participants international – 57 countries represented


Seafarers employed in the global shipping sector

89.23% male

Mean age 37.34

Questionnaire with questions on sociodemographic and work characteristics and one open question about personal experiences relating to the COVID-19 pandemic 70
Sliskovic and Penezic [55] Croatia


Seafarers on cargo ships

Gender not reported

Mean age 37.7

Job satisfaction scale; 10 questions on specific aspects of job; 2 open questions about sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction 60
Sliskovic and Penezic [71] Croatia


Officers on cargo ships

Gender not reported

Mean age 39.16

3 questions on contract (number of months contracted to be on board, number of months at home, compliance with contract regarding changes to ship and home periods); 1 question on free and unlimited access to the internet on board; Overall Job Satisfaction scale; Satisfaction with Life Scale; 5-item version of Mental Health Inventory 75
Sliskovic and Penezic [47] Croatia


Seafarers employed in international shipping

Gender not reported

Mean age 37.7

Study-specific scale assessing smoking, alcohol, sleeping, exercise and diet; newly-developed instrument for stress on board; Mental Health Inventory-5 70
Tedesco et al. [36] Authors in Italy, participants international


Seafarers of Italian shipping companies

94.5% male

Mean age 36.4

Study-specific survey on health status and smoking/drinking/drug habits; Karasek Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire 90
Turkistanli and Sevgili [54] Turkey


Undergraduate maritime students (marine transportation engineering or marine engineering)

89% male

Mean age 21.43

Survey created for a previous study, on awareness of health risks, general perception of danger and discomfort in the workplace and risks of contracting diseases 55
Xia et al. [80] China


Crew members of a hospital ship for approximately 3 months

100% female

Mean age 32.1

SCL-90 60
Xiao et al. [62] China


Crew members from Nantong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau

100% male

Mean age 33.5

Social Support Rating Scale; Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale; Occupational Stress Questionnaire; World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF 65
Xue and Tang [74] China


Crew members and shore management of two shipping companies

Not reported Semi-structured interviews about experiences of implementing the International Safety Management code and the outcomes and impacts of management’s safety inspections on ships 80
Yuen et al. [72] Singapore


Deck officers, engine officers and ratings from containers, dry bulk, liquid bulk, and specialised carriers

Not reported Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire; Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support; scale based on literature review assessing physical environment, task-related factor, technology-related factor, organisational factor and individual factor; PsyCap Questionnaire; burnout scale from Maslach Burnout Inventory; safety behaviour scale obtained from Lu et al 60
Zhao et al. [37] China and two European countries (not specified)

880 questionnaires and 60 interviews

Questionnaires: Seafarers from two Chinese and two European shipping companies

Interviews: Seafarers and managers from two Chinese and two European shipping companies

Questionnaires: 99.1% male, mean age 36.1

Interviews: gender and age not reported

Questionnaires: Shortened version of questionnaire from Cardiff Seafarers' Fatigue Research Programme—sections focusing on job/vessel, hours of work and rest, fatigue at sea, work, sleep patterns and health-related behaviours, and travel to/from vessel

Interviews covered work shift schedule, work hours, workload, sleep, on-leave, fatigue and company supports