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. 2022 May 16;9:889976. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.889976


Baseline characteristics in pregnancies with and without congenital CMV infection.

Characteristic cCMV n = 31 preg/32 fetuses Controls** n = 33 preg/fetuses p* value
Maternal age, years, mean (SD) 32.4 (5.1) 32.8 (5.6) 0.86
Ethnicity (Caucasian), (%) 81 73 0.46
Multiparity, (%) 58 42 0.13
Low educational level, (%) 30 27 0.81
Child at nursery (<3 year child), (%) 62 33 0.01*
Fetal gender (female), (%) 62 51 0.37
Gestational age at MRI, mean (SD) 31.2 (2.7) 30.7 (3.0) 0.46
EFW (g) at the time of MRI, mean (SD) 1570 (649) 1845 (519) 0.11
Small for gestational age, (%) 34 5 0.012*
AC at the time of MRI (mm), mean (SD) 259.3 (38.1) 271.1 (42.2) 0.24
Fetal body volume (cm3), mean (SD) 2371.2 (889) 2588.2 (897) 0.34
Gestational age at birth, mean (SD) 37.6 (3.16) 39.3 (1.25) 0.025*
Birthweight (grams), mean (SD) 2706 (822) 3326 (369) 0.002*

Data are presented as mean and standard deviation (SD), standard error of the mean (SEM), frequencies or percentage (%). *p-value as determined with the t-test, Mann-Whitney U, X2 or Fisher’s exact test. cCMV, congenital cytomegalovirus; Preg, pregnancies; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; EFW, estimated fetal weight. **Controls: healthy fetuses. AC, abdominal circumference. MCDA twin pregnancy in cCMV cases.

Seventeen cCMV cases with a live newborn included. The bold values indicate significant differences.