Multimodal imaging of two patients with adult-onset vitelliform macular dystrophy, caused by the IMPG2 complex allele c. [3023G>A;3023-15T>A]. (A–G) Imaging of the right (A–C) and left eye (D–G) of patient A:II-1 is shown. (A, D) Fundus photography shows bilateral presence of yellowish vitelliform lesions. (B, E) Fundus autofluorescence images show a central circular lesion with hypo- and hyperautofluorescent spots. (C, F) These correspond with the dome-shaped neuroepithelium detachment with residue vitelliform material and RPE atrophy. (E, G) In the left eye, a second vitelliform lesion was seen adjacent to the superior arcade. The ‘G’ in image E depicts the location of the lesion shown in image G. (H–O) Imaging of the right (H–J) and left eye (K–O) of patient B:II-1 is shown. (H, K) Fundus photography shows bilateral presence of yellowish vitelliform lesions. (I, L) Fundus autofluorescence images show a central circular lesion with hypo- and hyperautofluorescent spots. On spectral-domain optical coherence tomography vitelliform lesions were seen. The ‘N’ and ‘O’ in image L depict the location of the lesion shown in image N and O. (J) In the right eye, the lesion is in the vitelliform stage. The left eye shows neurosensory retinal detachment with partial resorption of the vitelliform material. The remaining vitelliform material has shifted inferiorly owing to gravity. (N, O) The superior and inferior sectional view of the vitelliform lesion are shown, respectively. Material has also migrated to the inner foveal layers.