Table 1.
Temporal antibody profile (TAP) criteria and distributions of animals, observations, faecal culture-positive observations and age in 14 dairy herds that were endemically infected with S. Dublin in Denmark between 2000 and 2002
Group and short explanation | Criteria | No. of animals* | n (%) observations | n (%) faecal culture-positive observations† | Average age, years (95% CI) |
TAP1: Persistently high antibody levels | The current and the previous two samples ≥80 ODC% | 126 | 182 (2·8%) | 3 (1·7%) | 3·8 (3·6–4·1) |
TAP2: Recent increase in antibody levels | The current sample ≥50 ODC% and the previous one or two samples <25 ODC% | 214 | 214 (3·2%) | 6 (2·8%) | 2·7 (2·4–2·9) |
TAP3: Fluctuating or moderately high antibodies | One of the previous samples ≥25 ODC%, but not three samples ≥80 ODC% | 1696 | 4022 (61%) | 31 (0·8%) | 3·4 (3·3–3·4) |
TAP4: Recent low antibody levels | The current and the previous one or two samples <25 ODC% | 1061 | 2196 (33%) | 6 (0·3%) | 2·9 (2·8–3·0) |
CI, Confidence interval; ODC%, background-corrected optical density value.
The TAPs were based on the two or three most recent samples from each animal aged ≥180 days. The TAP groups were mutually exclusive.
Number of animals represented in the number of observations.
Percentage of the sample event observations in which S. Dublin bacteria were isolated.