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. 2012 Nov 13;141(9):1905–1919. doi: 10.1017/S0950268812002403

Table 4.

Model inputs and distributions used in the stochastic model

Parameter Symbol* Value and distribution Unit Source
Global parameters (affecting more than one intervention cost)
 Average number of breeding cows in herd N Gamma (2·84, 53·9) Number National Milk Records, 2011
 Proportion of cows calving per year CP Gamma (2·64, 0·142) Proportion National Milk Records, 2011
 Perinatal mortality (birth to 24 h) PM Pearson 5 (4·52, 0·295) Proportion [11]
 Young stock mortality (age 24 h to 3 months) MTM Exponential (0·0215) Proportion [11]
 Young stock mortality rate (age 3–18 months) YM Exponential (0·0402) Proportion [11]
 Proportion served to dairy SD Varied in scenario modelling n.a.
 Labour cost L Constant (13·08) £/hour [12]
Keeping bedding dry (BD)
 Time for keeping bedding dry (baseline) BDB Uniform (0·66, 1·0) equivalent to 2–3 min every 3 days Minutes/animal/day User defined estimate
 Time for keeping bedding dry (intervention) BDI Uniform (1·0, 2·0) Minutes/animal/day User defined estimate
No direct contact with other cattle (DC)
 Stocking density (grazing) SDG Gamma (12·0, 0·198) Cows/ha Promar, 2011
 Fencing cost (consumables and labour) FC Uniform (0·0098, 0·32) £/metre Primary data collection
 Fencing construction cost FCC Constant (3·45) £/metre [12]
 Grass keep GK Constant (110·0) £/ha/year [12]
 Set aside variable cost SAC Constant (20·0) £/ha/year [13]
 Proportion of perimeter double fenced PDF Varied in scenario modelling n.a.
No new animals being brought into the herd (CH)
 Extra labour in quarantine QT Uniform (0·0, 1·52) Hours/day Primary data collection
 Bedding use in quarantine QB Uniform (0·0, 58·0) Kg/cow/day Primary data collection
 Culling rate CR Gamma (4·12, 0·080) Proportion/year National milk records, 2011
 Proportion that calve after reaching age 18 months SDC Exponential (0·045) Proportion [11]
 Barley straw BS Logistic (58·4, 1·90) £/tonne [20]
 Sand cost SN Constant (15·0) £/tonne Cardigan Sand and Gravel Ltd, 2011
 Sawdust cost SDU Uniform (45·0, 90·0) £/tonne NW Resources Ltd, 2011
 Main herd bedding (straw yards) SSY Constant (5·48) Kg/cow/day [12]
 Main herd bedding (deep sand cubicles) DSC Uniform (7·5, 10·0) Kg/cow/day [14]
 Main herd bedding (sawdust on mattresses) SDM Uniform (0·75, 1·0) Kg/cow/day [14]
 Main herd bedding (straw on cubicles) SUC Uniform (2·5, 4·0) Kg/cow/day [14]
 Average group size purchased AGS Varied in scenario modelling n.a.

n.a., Not applicable.


For explanation of symbols see Table 2.

Parameters fitted to original data using @Risk 5.5 (Palisade Corporation, USA).