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. 2022 May 30;13:3006. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-30515-0

Fig. 5. Sliding affects PAM recognition by Cas9 variants.

Fig. 5

a Boxplots of indel frequencies produced by Cas9 variants in HEK293T cells at targets followed by different PAMs (X-axis). Each row represents a Cas9 variant, sorted from top to bottom by efficiency and inverse specificity. Boxplots are separated in two groups for upstream (left) and downstream (right) sliding. Boxes represent the first and third quartiles (Q1 and Q3). The median is shown as a line; whiskers extend up (or down) to the last (or first) value lower (or greater) than Q3+1.5*(Q3-Q1) (or Q1-1.5*(Q3-Q1)). One-sided t-test p values, Bonferroni-corrected by the number of Cas9 variants: from left to right, top to bottom: 1.00; 4.90E-03; 4.15E-09; 0.06; 9.60E-49; 5.53E-84; 0.83; 8.44E-03; 2.43E-07; 0.40; 1.03E-39; 1.78E-63; 1.00; 0.09; 6.87E-04; 1.00; 5.54E-06; 1.08E-12; 0.85; 0.32; 0.13; 1.00; 0.078; 1.16E-05; 0.71; 0.71; 0.32; 1.00; 0.59; 0.06. The alternative hypothesis is that gRNA efficiencies at targets with G−1 (left) or G+1 (right) have larger mean, respectively, than targets with H−1 or H+1. Number of elements in each box, from left to right, top to bottom: 265; 88; 261; 85; 267; 85; 263; 88; 260; 86; 265; 86; 265; 88; 262; 86; 267; 85; 264; 88; 260; 87; 265; 86; 265; 88; 260; 86; 267; 85; 264; 88; 259; 87; 265; 86; 265; 88; 262; 86; 267; 85; 265; 88; 260; 87; 265; 86; 265; 88; 262; 86; 266; 85; 264; 88; 260; 87; 264; 86. b Illustration of the sliding mechanism at N−1GNN+1 PAMs, and boxplots of indel frequencies in HEK293T cells produced by Cas9 variants with broadened PAM compatibility at targets with different PAMs (X-axis). Boxes are defined as in (a). One-sided t-test p values, Bonferroni-corrected by the number of Cas9 variants: from left to right, top to bottom: 2.30E-59; 8.68E-25; 2.12E-135; 1.94E-186; 7.06E-69; 1.00. The alternative hypothesis used is that gRNA efficiencies at GHHH (upstream case) or HHGH/HHHG (downstream case) targets have larger mean than at HHHH. Number of elements in each box, from left to right, top to bottom: 2322; 799; 2317; 778; 2322; 786; 772; 2317; 786; 770. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.