Fig. 4. Reaction stoichiometry, kinetics, and direct oxidation mechanism of DOTP.
a Concentration profiles of PhOH at different dosage ratios of PMS to PhOH. b Regression curve of the dosage ratio of PMS to PhOH versus the removal ratio of PhOH. c Second-order kinetics fitting of the reaction with PMS to PhOH dosage ratio of 1.8. d Schematic illustration of the two-chamber galvanic cell system (marked as 1) and the single-chamber contact-type system (marked as 2). e Concentration profiles of PhOH removal in the two systems in d. f Conversion of the reactants in the analogy experiments between PhOH and KI in the two systems in d. The reactions of PhOH in the two systems exhibited the same trend as those of KI within 60 min. g Time-dependent EPR spectra of the Co3O4/PMS/PhOH system with DMPO as the spin trapping agent. h EPR spectra of the Fe2+/H2O2/PhOH (Fenton) and ZVI/PMS/PhOH systems recorded at a reaction time of 5 min with DMPO as the spin-trapping agent. i Fluorescence emission spectra of the Fe2+/H2O2/PhOH (Fenton) and Co3O4/PMS/PhOH systems for quantitative detection of radicals with benzoic acid (BA) as the probe molecule (the excitation wavelength was 310 nm). Differing from the typical radical systems (i.e., •OH in the Fe2+/H2O2/PhOH system and SO4•– in the ZVI/PMS/PhOH system) that exhibited DMPO-OH• (with hyperfine couplings aN = aβ-H = 14.9 G) or DMPO-SO4•– (with hyperfine splitting constants of aN = 13.2 G, aβ-H = 9.6 G, aγ-H1 = 1.48 G and aγ-H2 = 0.78 G)) signals in the EPR spectra, in the Co3O4/PMS/PhOH system, only the DMPOX signal (with a 1:1:1 triplet (aN = 7.2 G) of 1:2:1 triplet (aγ-H = 4.1 G, 2H)) appeared from the beginning of the reaction and then exhibited initial increasing and later decreasing. The result of the in situ EPR experiments indicates no •OH and SO4•– formation in the Co3O4/PMS/PhOH system. R, molar ratio of PMS to PhOH; CP, carbon paper; Reacted ratio, (1-C/C0)*100%; ZVI, zero-valent iron solid; DMPO,