(A) Cluster tree drawn using the weighted gene co-expression network analysis method. Each branch represents a gene; y-axis represents the cluster distance. (B) Cluster dendrogram with soft threshold and 7 merged modules: 668 genes in blue module, 60 genes in green-yellow module, 7,130 genes in gray module, 153 genes in magenta module, 550 genes in pink module, 1,116 genes in turquoise module, and 323 genes in yellow module. (C) Module-trait relationships, where blue module has the highest correlation with diseases (cor = 0.73, p = 1e–16). (D) Scale independence; x-axis represents the value of power and y-axis represents R. (E) Mean connectivity; x-axis represents the value of power and y-axis represents the average connected number of all nodes. (F) Correlation between genes in blue module and corresponding traits (cor = 0.47, p = 5.2e–38).