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. 2012 Jan 25;140(12):2172–2181. doi: 10.1017/S0950268812000015

Table 3.

Susceptible population by age group, median age of infection, and reported incidence rate (at the time of specimen collection when available) for each country

Country Age group (yr), % susceptible (seronegative) Median age of infection Reported incidence/100 000 population Source of incidence data
0–9 10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 ⩾60 <30 ⩾30 At time of specimen collection Over time
Finland 94 95 95 91 83 60 27 94 71 56 2–3 (1997–1998) 0·3–8 (1995–2010) Lab
Czech Republic 86 84 87 90 63 32 11 85 54 49 3 (2001) 0·7–20 (1990–2010) Lab
England 90 87 80 64 59 39 24 85 48 49 5 (1996)* 0·6–31 (1991–2009)* Lab
Germany n.a. n.a. 86 77 57 34 14 n.a. 46 47 5 (1998) 1–9 (1991–2010) Lab + Clin
Belgium 89 81 80 74 52 33 19 84 50 47 2–3 (2002–2003) 1–7 (1990–2010) Lab
Slovakia 87 84 83 70 47 16 4 85 41 41 14 (2003) 11–40 (1990–2004) Lab + Clin
Malta 84 79 74 65 33 11 3 79 26 41 n.a. (2003–2004) 0·5–4 (1991–2000) Not reported
Italy 86 90 84 51 27 11 3 88 28 35 7–19 (1996–1997) 2–54 (1990–2009) Lab
Lithuania 82 70 45 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 70 n.a. n.a. 0·3 (2003) 0·3–1·3 (2003–2010) Clin
Romania 55 38 19 10 5 3 3 42 6 10 67 (2002) 15–283 (1990–2009) Clin

Lab, Laboratory confirmed; Clin, clinical notification; n.a., not available.


Incidence data for England and Wales combined.