Table 1.
Database | Search Criteria |
PubMeda | (((((((((“rural*”[tw] AND “vaccin*”[MeSH] AND “hesitan*”[tw])) OR ((“rural*”[tw] AND “vaccin*”[MESH] AND (“barrier”[tw] OR “barrier s”[tw] OR “barriers”[tw])))) OR ((“parent*”[tw] AND “hesitan*”[tw] AND “vaccin*”[MESH] AND “rural*”[tw]))) OR ((“missed opportunities”[tw] AND (“rural*”[tw] AND “vaccin*”[MESH])))) OR ((“rural*”[tw] AND (“childhood”[tw] OR “childhoods”[tw]) AND “immuniz*”[MESH] AND (“barrier”[tw] OR “barrier s”[tw] OR “barriers”[tw])))) OR ((“rural*”[tw] AND (“primary health care”[MeSH Terms] OR (“primary”[tw] AND “health”[MESH] AND “care”[tw]) OR “primary health care”[MESH] OR (“primary”[tw] AND “care”[tw]) OR “primary care”[tw]) AND (“vaccin*”[MESH] AND (“barrier”[tw] OR “barrier s”[tw] OR “barriers”[tw]))))) OR (((“immuniz*”[MESH] AND “rural*”[tw]) AND ((“primary health care”[MeSH Terms] OR (“primary”[tw] AND “health”[MESH] AND “care”[tw]) OR “primary health care”[MESH] OR (“primary”[tw] AND “care”[tw]) OR “primary care”[tw]))))) OR ((“vaccin*”[MESH] AND “hesitan*”[tw] AND “rural*”[tw] AND “communit*”[tw]))) AND ((“2000/01/01″[PDAT]: ”2021/07/25″[PDAT])) |
Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) |
((rural OR “RUCA” OR nonmetropolitan OR non-metropolitan OR frontier OR “geographically isolated”)) AND ((vaccin* OR immunization* OR “childhood immunization*”)) AND ((barrier* OR hesitancy OR “missed opportunit*” OR refusal OR acceptan* OR confiden* OR “immunization* coverage” OR “vaccin* coverage” OR “immunization* status” OR “vaccin* status”))) AND DT 20000101-20210725 |
Web of Science | ((TS=((childhood vaccin* hesitanc*) OR (childhood vaccin* refus*) OR (childhood vaccin* accept*))) AND TS=(rural*)) AND DOP=(2000-01-01/2021-07-25) |
We utilized a ‘text word’ (tw) search for ‘rural’ which tells PubMed to look for ‘rural’ in titles, abstracts, and MESH headings. However, if a rural-specific study excluded the term ‘rural’ in the abstract or title, it may not have been identified in PubMed search results. Therefore, in our CINAHL database search we included multiple rurality phrases and we checked references in each selected article for additional papers.