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. 2022 Jan-Mar;15(1):68–74. doi: 10.5935/1984-0063.20210033

Table 2.

Factor structure of Turkish APSQ with principle components analysis.

Items Factor 1 Factor 2
1. I worry about the amount of sleep I am going to get every night .629
2. I worry about how the amount of sleep I had last night is going to affect my day time performance .983
3. I worry about how the amount of sleep I get is going to afflict my health .888
4. I worry about how much the amount of sleep I get will weaken my social ability .907
5. I worry about how much the amount of sleep I get will shake my moo .661
6. I worry about my loss of control over sleep .649
7. I worry about my ability to stay awake and alert during the day .838
8. I put great effort into trying to rectify my sleep problems .566
9. My failure to rectify my sleep problems troubles me a lot .832
10. My worry about sleep is persistent .825

Notes: Only loadings above 0.3 are presented in the table. Factor 1: Worries about the consequences of poor sleep; Factor 2: Worries about uncontrollability of sleep.