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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 May 31.
Published in final edited form as: J Appl Gerontol. 2018 Aug 17;39(4):385–392. doi: 10.1177/0733464818790381

Table A1.

Standardized Coefficients and Chow Tests From Ordinary Least Squares Regression Modeling for Domain Specific Satisfaction.

Staff attitudes/respect Food choices Activities are interesting Facility cleanliness Autonomy


Staffing hours/resident-day

 Registered nurse 0.100 −0.150 −0.286**a 0.207a 0.168 −0.151 −0.234 0.103 −0.094 0.096
 Licensed practical nurse 0.293b −0.26b 0.234 −0.082 0.003 −0.207* 0.234c −0.124c 0.403*b −0.110b
 Certified nursing assistant 0.022 0.161** 0.057 0.134** −0.004 0.115** −0.019c 0.180**c 0.078 0.153**
 Physical, occupational, or speech therapist 0.181 0.294 0.052 −0.315** 0.029 −0.223 0.134c −0.238c 0.316* −0.066
 Recreational therapy or activities 0.374 −0.133 0.607 0.557* 1.610*** 0.973** 0.578 0.323 0.265 0.623*
 Dietitian, food service, and housekeeping 0.018 0.071 0.042 0.003 0.000 0.019 0.253* 0.101 0.016 −0.01

Payer- and case-mix

 Medicare patient days −0.001c −0.190**c 0.088 −0.052 0.111 0.046 0.110* 0.117** 0.036 0.095*
 Medicaid patient days −0.017 −0.089** −0.077* −0.114*** 0.047 −0.013 −0.053 −0.046 −0.044 0.009
 Acuity index −0.083** −0.051* −0.003 −0.061** −0.04 0.007 −0.01 −0.02 −0.025 −0.094***
 Dementia prevalence 0.069* 0.091*** −0.007 0.051** 0.065 0.052** 0.056 0.073*** 0.071 0.015
 Major psychiatric condition prevalence 0.038 0.011 0.042 0.044** 0.05 0.005 0 −0.001 0.013 0.034
 Depression prevalence −0.041 −0.01 −0.050* −0.005 −0.026 0.031* −0.038b 0.022b −0.036b 0.035*b

Facility and market characteristics

 Total beds, each 10 −0.038** −0.019** −0.028** −0.022** −0.002 −0.013* −0.034** −0.019** −0.037** −0.015**
 Occupancy ratio 0.164** 0.064* 0.145** 0.079** 0.234** 0.104** 0.269***b 0.098***b 0.204**b 0.021b
 Dementia special care unit −0.15 −0.004 −0.239*c 0.037c −0.183 −0.044 −0.174 −0.024 −0.225* −0.056
 Chain affiliation −0.087 −0.213** 0.064a −0.364***a −0.114 −0.267*** −0.224** −0.249*** −0.091 −0.232**
 Hospital affiliation 0.084 0.140 0.197 −0.205 0.040 −0.349 0.069 −0.57 0.037 0.039
 Continuing care retirement community affiliation −0.005 −0.042 −0.166 −0.027 −0.239 −0.144 0.166b −0.215**b −0.06 −0.158
 Ownership, ref. non-profit
  For-profit −0.310** −0.250** −0.227 −0.306*** −0.083b −0.423***b −0.421** −0.281*** −0.159 −0.364***
  Government 0.170 −0.05 0.177 −0.097 0.281* 0.130 0.073 0.248* 0.194 0.155
 Market competition, ref. very competitive
  Competitive −0.062 0.251*** −0.163 0.161** 0.145 0.083 0.034 0.200** −0.186 0.133*
  Moderate concentration 0.148c 0.506***c 0.189 0.355** 0.403** 0.259** 0.308* 0.357** 0.060 0.185
  High concentration or monopoly 0.043 0.324 −0.089 0.092 0.203 0.159 0.076 0.389* −0.196 −0.183
 Location, ref. metropolitan
  Micropolitan −0.032 0.141 0.014 0.277*** 0.142 0.105 −0.048 0.168** 0.082 0.092
  Rural −0.075 0.133 0.157 0.201* 0.134 0.050 0.025 0.159 0.078 0.050
  Isolated −0.004 0.086 0.279 0.521** 0.313* 0.308 0.292* 0.247 0.286 0.454**

Respondent characteristicsd

 Children 0.208***b 0.056*b 0.087 0.046 0.127** 0.022 0.119** 0.073** 0.069 0.028
 Spouses 0.174**c 0.023c −0.088 0.018 −0.067 −0.038 0.107 −0.002 −0.156 −0.046
 Female −0.086 −0.047 −0.032 −0.014 −0.058 −0.015 −0.055 −0.025 0.008 −0.001
 Visit at least weekly −0.107 −0.034 −0.128 0.008 0.040 0.023 −0.075 0.014 −0.052 0.026
 Visit at least monthly −0.065 0.035 −0.154 −0.007 0.014 −0.001 −0.057 −0.01 −0.127 0.019

Intercept −0.873 0.601 0.171 0.327 −3.634*** −1.079 −2.197** −1.266** −1.308 −0.021

Note. Minnesota N = 378, Ohio N = 926.


Chow test for difference in coefficients between states <.01.


Chow test for difference in coefficients between states <.05.


Chow test for difference in coefficients between states <.1.


All respondent characteristics are the proportion of the respondents who have each characteristic. Betas for effect of each 10 percentage points.


Betas for effect of each 10 percentage points. For respondent characteristics, applies to all betas.

For individual states’ coefficients:


p < .1.


p < .05.


p < .01.