Differences in renal outcome and death between ADPKD and DNAB11-PKD patients. (A) Cumulative failure rate (hazard) functions of ESKD in ADPKD (red line) and in DNAJB11-PKD (blue line). The interpretation of the cumulative hazard rate function is as follows: if the hazard of ESKD is constant over age bands, then the cumulative hazard will increase linearly with age; if the hazard increases with age, the cumulative hazard will increase nonlinearly, showing an increase in slope with increasing age; if the hazard decreases with age, the cumulative hazard will still increase, but now with a decrease in the slope. P-value refers to the Mantel–Cox method. (B) Cumulative failure rate (hazard) functions of death in ADPKD (red line) and in DNAJB11-PKD (blue line). P-value refers to the Mantel–Cox method.