Figure 5.
ZNF217 knockdown in normal theca cells results in augmented DENND1A.V2 and CYP17A1 messenger RNA (mRNA) expression. Normal theca cells (N=5) were infected with equivalent amounts of control short hairpin RNA (shRNA) or ZNF217 shRNA lentiviral particles (3 pmol/106 cells) for 24 hours, then treated for 36 hours in the absence (control) or presence of 20 μM forskolin. A, In the absence of forskolin, ZNF217 expression was decreased following infection with ZNF217 lentiviral shRNA (*P < .05) as compared control shRNA. Forskolin treatment inhibited ZNF217 mRNA in control shRNA-infected cells (αP < .05). B, DENND1A.V2 expression was increased following ZNF217 shRNA lentivirus infection under both control (***P < .001) and forskolin-stimulated (***P < .001) conditions. C, CYP17 A1 mRNA was increased by forskolin-stimulation in normal theca cells infected with control shRNA (αP < .01). CYP17 A1 mRNA was increased following ZNF217 shRNA lentivirus infection under both control (*P < .01) and forskolin-stimulated (**P < .001) conditions, compared to control shRNA-infected cells.