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. 2022 Feb 4;13(3):758–791. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmac011


Summary of central neuroendocrine regions in response to CR protocols included in this review1

Brain area and region Study (ref) Animal or human model Study duration Calorie restriction Weight change or difference? Difference in protein/gene expression Difference in activity of neurons Interpretive comments/include behavior measures if any were made
 ARC Derous et al. (55) Animal; C57BL/6 mice (male, n = 8) 3 mo 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% energy restriction Not reported Npy: in all CR groups RNA-seq (transcriptome sequencing) used to determine differential gene expression
Agrp: ↑ in 30% and 40% CR Expression of Agrp and Npy was negatively correlated with leptin, insulin, and IGF-I. Pomc was positively correlated with IGF-1 only
Pomc: in 40% CR only
Rogers et al. (56) Animal; C57BL/6 mice (male, n = 7) 1 y 40% kcal deficit Weight and length: ↓ vs. controls Npy: Measured mRNA levels for gene expression (qPCR for transcription factors)
Agrp: ↑ Ghrelin and GHSR1a controls and ablation (+/+ and −/−). No difference in gene expression from CR between ghrelin/GHSR1a groups
Hambly et al. (57) Animal; MF1 mice (n = 10) 50 d total: 25 d preintervention + 25 d intervention 50% energy restriction vs. ad libitum control ↓ Average 2.6 g lower vs. control Npy: after CR, not significantly different after 4 d of ad libitum refeeding Used in situ hybridization to measure mRNA levels for gene expression
Agrp: ↑ after CR, not significantly different after 4 d of ad libitum refeeding
Pomc: ↓ after CR, not significantly different after 4 d of ad libitum refeeding
Bi et al. (58) Animal; Sprague-Dawley rats (male, n = 6) 14 d 30% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control ↓ Rate of weight gain (27.3% lower) Npy: 156% compared to control Used in situ hybridization to measure mRNA levels for gene expression
Agrp: slight increase but not significantly different than control Significant reduction in plasma leptin concentrations, but normal glucose and insulin. No significant change in ObRb gene expression in the ARC
Pomc: 26.4% compared to control
Kinzig et al. (59) Animal; Long-Evans rats (male, n = 7) 4 wk 30% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control ↓ 19% lower than control Npy: not significantly different than controls Plasma insulin and leptin concentrations were significantly lower. Plasma ghrelin concentrations were significantly higher
Agrp: not significantly different than controls Used in situ hybridization to measure mRNA levels for gene expression
Pomc: 32.2% compared to control
Jarvie et al. (64) Animal; Background C57BL/6 mice (n = 7) 2 wk ∼30% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control Maintained at 80% of starting weight Gad1 in POMC neurons: 39–44% compared to control Gad1 correlates with GABA release from neurons
Gad1 in ARC: not significantly different than control Used in situ hybridization to measure mRNA levels for gene expression
Satoh et al. (62) Animals; C57BL/6 mice and BRASTO (male, n = 2–6) 14 d (short-term CR); 104 d (long-term CR) 40% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control Not reported SIRT1: no difference c-FOS: no difference between CR and ad libitum Immunostaining used to measure SIRT1 and c-FOS
Peripheral ghrelin injection increased c-FOS-positive cells over 2 h
Radler et al. (60) Animals; C57BL/6J mice (male, n = 15–16) 4 wk 50% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum controls Not reported NPY: ↑ vs. control Immunostaining used to measure NPY present in tissue samples
 DMH Bi et al. (58) Animal; Sprague-Dawley rats (male, n = 6) 14 d 30% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control ↓ Rate of weight gain (27.3% lower) Npy: ↑ ∼50% compared to control Used in situ hybridization to measure mRNA levels for gene expression
Signification reduction in plasma leptin concentrations, but normal glucose and insulin. No significant change in ObRb gene expression in the DMH
Kinzig et al. (59) Animal; Long-Evans rats (male, n = 7) 4 wk 30% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control ↓ 19% lower than control Npy: 451.6% compared to control Used in situ hybridization to measure mRNA levels for gene expression
Satoh et al. (62) Animals; C57BL/6 mice and BRASTO (male, n = 2–6) 14 d (short-term CR); 104 d (long-term CR) 40% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control Not reported Ox2r: ↑ number of Ox2r-positive cells and total signal [14 d] c-FOS: ↑ expression at 14 d and 104 d; ↑ 32% expression (14 d CR) in BRASTO mice Immunostaining used to measure SIRT1 and c-FOS. Used in situ hybridization to measure mRNA levels for gene expression
SIRT1: ↑ at 14 d and 104 d Peripheral ghrelin injection increased c-FOS-positive cells over 2 h
 VMH Satoh et al. (62) Animals; C57BL/6 mice and BRASTO (male, n = 2–6) 14 d (short-term CR); 104 d (long-term CR) 40% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control Not reported Ox2r: no difference c-FOS: no difference Immunostaining used to measure SIRT1 and c-FOS. Used in situ hybridization to measure mRNA levels for gene expression
SIRT1: no difference
 PVN Satoh et al. (62) Animals; C57BL/6 mice and BRASTO (male, n = 2–6) 14 d (short-term CR); 104 d (long-term CR) 40% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control Not reported SIRT1: no difference c-FOS: no difference Immunostaining used to measure SIRT1 and c-FOS
Saeed et al. (99) Animals; B6D2F1 mice (female, n = not reported) 22 mo total: 14 wk adjustment + 74 wk CR 40% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum controls Not reported IGF-IR%: ↑ vs. controls Immunostaining used to measure IGF-IR and all cells in the PVN
Total PVN cell count: ↓ 13% vs. control Compared to younger mice (7 wk old), both CR and control mice had lower PVN cells counts, but percentage of IGF-IR immunoreactive cells was not significantly different from the young mice and CR mice. Control mice has significantly less than both
Radler et al. (60) Animals; C57BL/6J mice (male, n = 15–16) 4 wk 50% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum controls Not reported NPY: no difference Immunostaining used to measure NPY present in tissue samples
Kenny et al. (100) Animals; Wistar rats (male, n = 36) 3 wk 25% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control ↓ vs. control Fos-positive cells: increased with with stress, but not significantly different than controls Neuronal activation measured by positive Fos immunoreactivity
Significantly higher basal corticosterone levels but exhibited less grooming during open field tests
 LHA Satoh et al. (62) Animals; C57BL/6 mice and BRASTO (male, n = 2–6) 14 d (short-term CR); 104 d (long-term CR) 40% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control Not reported Ox2r: ↑ number of Ox2r-positive cells and total signal c-FOS: ↑ expression at 14 d and 104 d; ↑ 43% expression (14 d CR) in BRASTO mice Immunostaining used to measure SIRT1 and c-FOS. Used in situ hybridization to measure mRNA levels for gene expression
SIRT1: ↑ at 14 d and 104 d Peripheral ghrelin injection increased c-FOS-positive cells over 2 h
Valenzano et al. (114) Human – 10 W, 10 M; BMI 32.19 ± 4.78 kg/m2; age: 48 ± 10 y 8 wk 700–900 kcal/d (ketogenic VLCD) ↓ 12.6 kg weight loss Plasma orexin-A: ↓ 6.33 pg/mL from baseline Plasma orexin-A concentrations measured by ELISA. Blood samples were taken before and after intervention after a 12-h fast
Pankevich et al. (115) Animals; C57BL/6J mice (male, n = 37–47) 3 wk 25% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control, then fed HFD for 1 wk ↓ 4.6 g vs. control Mch: ↑ in CR mice after HFD refeeding Measured mRNA levels for gene expression (qPCR for transcription factors)
Hcrt (orexin): ↑ in CR mice after HFD refeeding Leptin was significantly lower and basal corticosterone was higher than control
 SCN Satoh et al. (62) Animals; C57BL/6 mice and BRASTO (male, n = 2–6) 14 d (short-term CR); 104 d (long-term CR) 40% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control Not reported SIRT1: ↑ at 14 d and 104 d c-FOS: no difference Immunostaining used to measure SIRT1 and c-FOS
 NAc Diao et al. (143) Animal; Fischer-344 rats (female, n = 5–7) 4 mo 40% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control Not reported DA overflow: ↑ amount and duration in response/DA clearance In vivo electrochemistry used to determine potassium-evoked dopamine overflow from the dorsal striatum across the ventral striatum/nucleus accumbens
Kolta et al. (144) Animal; Fischer-344 rats (male and female, n = 5–10) 18.75 mo 40% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum controls ↓ 46–48% vs. control [DA] and [DOPAC]: not significantly different than control Neurotransmitter assays using HPLC were used to determine concentration of monoamines and metabolites
[5-HT] and [5-HIAA]: ↓ 37% and 55% than control in female rats only
Maswood et al. (145) Animal; rhesus monkeys (male, n = 6–7) 6 mo 30% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control ↓ 12% vs. control [DA], [DOPAC], [HVA]: ↑ than control after injection of a Parkinson's-inducing neurotoxin HPLC was used to determine concentrations of DA and metabolites in the striatal regions of the brain
Similar doses of the neurotoxin given to both groups, causes selective degeneration of DA neurons
Vialou et al. (146) Animal; C57BL6/J background mice (n = 7) 10 d 40% kcal deficit (then 2 d ad libitum to return to baseline body weight) vs. ad libitum controls ↓ 15–20% from baseline, then not different from control after 2 d ad libitum feeding ΔFosB + cells in NAc shell: ↑ vs. control Immunostaining methods used to count cells containing ΔFosB in the NAc
ΔFosB + cells in NAc core: no difference CR group had significantly high rewards earned than control using operant response tests using a high-fat pellet reward
 VTA Roseberry (151) Animals: adult male C57BL/6J mice 1 d Acute 24-h fast vs. ad libitum fed Not reported None ↑ Dopamine receptor (D2R) activity following fasting compared to fed DA neuron in the VTA were recorded by electrophysiology
↓ Release of low-calcium aCSF following fasting compared to fed Forskolin was given to compare second messenger systems involved in dopamine release
↓ Response to forskolin following fasting compared to fed
No difference in response to l-DOPA between groups
Maswood et al. (145) Animal; rhesus monkeys (male, n = 6–7) 6 mo 30% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control ↓ 12% vs. control TH-positive cells: ↑ 15% in VTA/SN vs. control after injection of a Parkinson's-inducing neurotoxin PET scans and immunostaining used to measure DA neurons in VTA/SN
Similar doses of the neurotoxin given to both groups, causes selective degeneration of DA neurons
 PfC Siep et al. (157) Human; 12 W; BMI 21.5 ± 1.9 kg/m2; age: 19.3 ± 0.9 y 1 d 18-h food deprivation vs. satiated Not reported Medial PfC: ↓ inhibition activity after presentation of high caloric foods fMRI used to measure BOLD signal change in various regions of interest in the brain
Willette et al. (158) Animal; rhesus monkeys (n = 18–26) 13–16 y 30% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control Not reported Association between stress reactivity and PfC volume/tissue density was ↓ in CR group than control MRI used to measure changes in volume and tissue density. Urinary cortisol was also measured
 Amg Siep et al. (157) Human; 12 W; BMI 21.5 ± 1.9 kg/m2; age: 19.3 ± 0.9 y 1 d 18-h food deprivation vs. satiated Not reported Left Amg: no difference between conditions with shown high- and low-calorie foods fMRI used to measure BOLD signal change in various regions of interest in the brain
Willette et al. (158) Animal; rhesus monkeys (n = 18–26) 13–16 y 30% kcal deficit vs. ad libitum control Not reported Association between stress reactivity and Amg volume/tissue density was ↓ in CR group compared with control MRI used to measure changes in volume and tissue density. Urinary cortisol was also measured
Zséli et al. (161) Animal; Wistar rats (male, n = 24) 2 d 40-h food deprivation followed by ad libitum refeeding Not reported ↑ c-Fos from other regions to Amg: PVT and PBN Immunocytochemistry used to map the location of refeeding-activated neurons projecting to the central Amg. C-Fos immunoreactivity for neuron activity
Dorsal vagal complex
 NTS Zséli G et al. (161) Animal; Wistar rats (male, n = 24) 2 d 40-h food deprivation followed by ad libitum refeeding Not reported ↑ c-Fos from Amg to other regions: BNST, LHA, PVT, and NTS Immunocytochemistry used to map the location of refeeding-activated neurons projecting to the central Amg. C-Fos immunoreactivity for neuron activity

aCSF, artifical cerebrospinal fluid; Agrp, agouti-related peptide; Amg, amygdala; ARC, arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus; BNST, bed nuclei of stria terminalis; BOLD, blood oxygenation level dependent; BRASTO, transgenic mice that overexpress SIRT1; CR, calorie restriction; DA, dopamine; DMH, dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus; DOPAC, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (metabolite of dopamine); GABA, γ-aminobutyric acid; Gad1, glutamate decarboxylase 1; GHSR1a, growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1a; Hcrt, hypocretin/orexin; HFD, high-fat diet; HVA, homovanillic acid (metabolite of dopamine); IGF-I, insulin-like growth factor I; IGF-IR, insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor; l-DOPA, l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine; LHA, lateral hypothalamic area; M, men; Mch, melanin-concentrating hormone; NAc, nucleus accumbens; Npy, neuropeptide Y; NTS, nucleus tractus solitarius; ObRb, leptin receptor (long isoform); OxR2, orexin receptor 2; PET, positron emission tomography; PfC, prefrontal cortex; Pomc, proopiomelanocortin; PVN, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus; PVT, paraventricular thalamus; ref, reference; SIRT1, sirtuin-1; TH, tyrosine hydroxylase; VLCD, very low-calorie diet; VMH, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus; VTA/SN, ventral tegmental area/substantia nigra; W, women; 5-HIAA, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (metabolite of serotonin); 5-HT, serotonin; ↓, significant decrease; ↑, significant increase.