Fig. 2. Centromeric and telomeric completeness of assemblies produced by hifiasm and Shasta.
a The mean number of bases identified per autosome as “Satellite” by RepeatMasker for the n = 5 hifiasm (blue) and n = 5 Shasta (orange) assemblies, where error bars indicate the 95% confidence interval. The black dots represent values from the CLR-based ARS-UCD1.2. Dashed lines indicate the autosome-wide mean for the respective color of points. Mean values of 0 (e.g., chromosome 20) are not shown due to the log scale. b Similar to (a), but the number of bases in telomeric repeats within 10 Kb of chromosome ends. c Similar to (a), but the number of scaffold gaps. d Chromosome ideograms for ARS-UCD1.2 (center), and Brown Swiss assemblies produced by hifiasm (left) and Shasta (right). Scaffolded contigs alternate white/gray across gapped regions, which are colored red. Chromosomes which are predicted to extend from centromere to telomere are bolded in blue, of which 7 and 3 are also gapless for hifiasm and Shasta respectively. Arrows indicate the centromere (C) to telomere (T) directionality of the chromosomes (this applies only to autosomes, as the X chromosome is submetacentric).